Grades from yesterday.....


Well-Known Member
125: B+, Steel beat a tough kid but should have majored him. Giving up that early takedown really hurt.

133: C+, Clark did what he was suppose to and kept it under a major. Riding him pretty much the whole 3rd period is something Ramos could only dream of doing. It was the right move after all Clark is 2-1 against him(Ramos) anyway. He lost so that's the reasoning for the C+.

141: A-, Ballweg looked REAL good!!! I am VERY pleased with the way he is getting better all the time. I would love to see him stay at 141 and Marion go to 149 but only time will tell what happens here.

149: C-, Ballweg left opportunities out there but in the end he lost. I think the possibility is there for him to win this but it would have to be a perfect match for Matt.

157: B-, Best DSJ has looked in awhile. Still not where he needs to be. But if everybody knew what he was/is going threw you might not be as hard on him as some people are.

165: C, Jans looked pretty good after the 5 point throw which is something he loves to do should have saw it coming. But I really like how he kept after him and tried to make up the score. I hope it didn't cost him the spot.

174: A, Great job by little Lofthouse he is getting better each time out!!! I still think he can AA!!!

184: D, Gambrall needs to find some offense! I also feel he needs to put some more muscle on but its a little late for that right now. I feel better about little Lofthouse being a AA right now.

197: C, The match was closer than the score. I really think this match could go the other way and then flip back again. Luke just needs to finish his shots and not hang out so to speak. I like his chances to AA also.

Hwt: C-, He won so I suppose that's good. Razor gets your hands on somebody and use that size to wear people down!!!

Team: B, Best we have looked as a team vs. good competition. Going into this dual I was hoping for a win but realistically thinking we would lose 6-4 or even 7-3 but they pulled out a tie. Yeh they left some points out there but I think all of the wrestlers know that and will get better for it.

MIP(Most Impressive Performance): Ethan Lofthouse!!! a close 2nd with Mark Ballweg!!!
I don't know what DSJ has been going through, but why didn't you give him a higher grade than B- if he's been struggling with some sort of serious sickness/injury? I was happy he got the win after seeing him struggle recently. I think he deserves at least a B :)
Ramos couldn't dream of it? Ramos is fine on top, I thought the difference was going to be that Clark would fend off the takedown in neutral and he couldn't. Clark's ride was good but the fact Oliver gassed had something to do with it.

I talked to a guy in the room last week, when asked what's the deal with St. John, his answer: "he's just not tough enough."
If they would have used the tiebreaker criteria (like what they would use for a tied dual at National Duals), who would have won the dual? Since there were an equal number of win and no bonus points, I am not sure what the next criteria would be.
OSU would have won on tiebreak criteria because of back points.

Also, finally got a chance to watch the dual on DVR. DSJ was in control until he took a couple of bad shots in the second period. That allowed Erisman to get the TD and wear him down. DSJ did a good job not allowing the cheap tilts, but his facial expressions and looking at his bench at the end of the 2nd showed his was fatigued and definitely looking for guidance from the coaches. I was still pleased with this win in a hostile environment against an experienced/ranked senior.
those grades are deserving and the team deserves a pat on the back for going to osu and putting on a show like that...think of all the pressure on those kids to win that dual??? lots of variables and im happy with the tie at this point in the season
Ramos couldn't dream of it? Ramos is fine on top, I thought the difference was going to be that Clark would fend off the takedown in neutral and he couldn't. Clark's ride was good but the fact Oliver gassed had something to do with it.

I talked to a guy in the room last week, when asked what's the deal with St. John, his answer: "he's just not tough enough."

CR, that guy just loves to take a dig at Ramos; I'm starting to wonder if Ramos owes the guy money or something. Any other person that wrestles the way Ramos does would get the Tobini "You heard it here first, he will be an AA." I liked how the Voice of Reason gave a guy who lost a C+ and the guy who won and saved the tie, a C-.
Yeh, maybe I'm a bit hard on Ramos but the bottom line is Clark is 2-1 against him and if it was anybody other than Oliver, Ramos would have been out there. Do you guys realize what Oliver would have done to Ramos? Clark slowed the match down and was just as important to "saving" the dual as Raising. I guess holding the #1 ranked wrestler to just a regular dec. is not as good as Raising beating a backup that is up a weight in overtime. I guess I feel the personal shots at me are unwarrented but hey that's why its a free country and everybody is entitled to his or her opinion? Have a Nice day.
No, I have no idea what Oliver would have done to Ramos, since they didn't wrestle. Do you know? The only reason I'm calling you out is because you seem to have something against Ramos. If it were just that you think Clark was better, than I wouldn't have a problem. You seem to be a big Hawkeye fan; so maybe you can explain why you're so against someone on the team. You have a good day as well.
lets all be friends here

i think clark was a smart choice and i predicted tom wrestling him for the simple fact of not giving up the major and what did he do? we have the best coach out there and im happy with the choices he's made in the lineup this year

i had high hopes for the jans match but oh well

again lets be friends tobini has a lot of great insight and knows more than a lot of us when it comes to wrestling so i trust him thoughts on ramos
OBTW, did you guys see the cat-like instincts of Rasing when he got that TD in OT? He spun around to his right just like a 125lber. I didn't know he had those reflexes! Hope we see more of that in the coming matches.

FWIW, I think Clark was the right decision. I believe Ramos would have been majored. Other than his own teammate, Ramos has not yet beat a ranked wrestler this season, although he has looked good against those he has faced.
Overall, I liked what I saw. I was impressed with Rasing who , not only needed the win for the tie, but he needed the win for his confidence. If anything, maybe McDonough should have tried the takedown and release. When it comes to 133#, I believe clark was the right choice, not because of his offense because he has no offense, but because of his defense which left alot to be desired. Clark did hold Oliver to a decision, but I'll take Ramos as my starter.
I think if Jans doesn't get thrown to his damn back (after he had it done to him earlier this year by the same guy) that he would have won that match and Iowa would have won the dual. But in the end that didn't lose the dual either, there were a lot things that could have went the other way for Iowa to win the meet that happend in not just the 5 they lost but all 10 matches.
FWIW, I think Clark was the right decision. I believe Ramos would have been majored. Other than his own teammate, Ramos has not yet beat a ranked wrestler this season, although he has looked good against those he has faced.

I gotta agree I never thought for a second it would be anyone but clark at 133 and that has nothing to do with ramos and everything to do with clark. Because clark is the least likely to give up bonus points and the most likely to be stay in the match, hes in nearly every match he wrestles and is experienced enough to know what to do in big duals (just like he did), don't forget this is a kid who beat esco, sanders, robles, long, and plenty of others. Iin a match with so many tossups you have to stay in the match and allow the guys who have the best chances of wins (dsj, ballweg, lofthouse, raising) to pull out the close ones.

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