Grade the football team.


Well-Known Member
Give the football team a letter grade and explain how you got there.


I thought this team was a 7-5 team at worse and a 10-2 team in my wildest dreams. In one respect 7-5 met my minimum expectations for this year, but given the fact they lost to two teams we shouldn't have, and how uncompetitive we were in the three of the five losses brings me to C-.

I just can't see going below the C range for a team that has a winning record.
Minnesota yes, but who is the other team we shouldn't have lost to?

I think it is arrogant of Iowa fans this year to still think we should have beaten Iowa State or even that they aren't a better team then we are. It was at their place, without a couple of key mistakes they could have shut the door, and they have proven down the stretch to be a competitive team. Do we think we could have kept it that close to OU at there place the way we have played on the road? We played to virtually the same result at Nebby. It's time to suck it and up realize they are a better team this year.

Didn't mean to preach here and perhaps you are referring to another team. Honestly, other than the Minnesota game this year I think we got beat by better teams and picked off a quality win against Michigan.

That being said. C seams about right. Average, which a quality win to boost them a bit, but a bad loss to hold them back.
We should never lose to ISU, ever. I realize we will, and we will more often than we did under Hayden, but we should never do it.
The fact that we lost to ISU when Jantz was the QB was embarrassing. He was literally one of the worst, if not the absolute worst, QBs in all of Div I this year, outside of that Iowa game. We made him look like Cam Newton or something.

The rest of ISU's team is fairly salty, but it's a game we could have won and they were not playing nearly their best football.
I agree with Duff's grade.

We don't have A talent on the team. We could have performed up to a B level, but didn't. We could have packed it in after the Minny game and took an F, but didn't.

All in all, we were about a C- team.
Phil Steele predicted we would go 7-5 and go to a bowl, and possibly win 8 games. That is what is happening.

I give this team a B.
I give the coaching staff a C+ with most of the points being deducted from losing at Minnesota and a bunch for the way they lost at Iowa State. But the coaching in the Pitt, Northwestern, Michigan, and at Purdue was solid. This is the worst defense Iowa has had since 2000 but they still managed to win 7 games. We seen the offense get creative to try and compensate and the defense did improve through the season.

I would have given this staff a better grade had they at least went for it against Iowa State, even if they had lost that game, and you cannot lose to a team like Minnesota period. Big coaching error not having the team ready in case of an onsides kick.

Overall 7 wins is right where they should be with the talent they have. At 8+ wins I would have thought this team over achieved and anything less would have been underachieving. I did not think Iowa would lose to Minnesota for a 2nd time in a row but on the other hand I did not expect Iowa to beat Michigan or come back against Pitt. Losing at Iowa State did not surprise me but, again, the way they lost is what haunts me.
We should never lose to ISU, ever. I realize we will, and we will more often than we did under Hayden, but we should never do it.
that's just dumb and idiotic

ISU will never be an acceptable loss for Iowa. PSU, fOSU, scUM, MSU, Wisky... we can stomach losses to those teams, ISU not so much. I don't ever see that changing. There is nothing wrong with expecting to beat ISU every year.
We should never lose to ISU, ever. I realize we will, and we will more often than we did under Hayden, but we should never do it.

Whether or not we realize it Iowa State is a rivalry game, especially for ISU. Losing to a rival, even one with less talent, is going to happen. I hated to lose at ISU but when you are talking coaching I have a problem with the way they lost. You got over a minute left in regulation against a defense that has not shut you down, you go for the win. Had they went for it and failed I would have been fine with it.
Whether or not we realize it Iowa State is a rivalry game, especially for ISU. Losing to a rival, even one with less talent, is going to happen. I hated to lose at ISU but when you are talking coaching I have a problem with the way they lost. You got over a minute left in regulation against a defense that has not shut you down, you go for the win. Had they went for it and failed I would have been fine with it.

Completely agree. ISU was decent. Only reason to be ****** is the coaching decisions at the end of regulation.

(And now I'm wondering if Duff and I are going to have to rehash the same old arguments.)

average yr they did not under or over achieve

mn and isu were better than I thought, win the bowl game my grade goes to a B!
We should never lose to ISU, ever. I realize we will, and we will more often than we did under Hayden, but we should never do it.

Iowa State is nowhere near what they were under Hayden.

If you don't understand that, then you don't understand football, or are just trolling.

Iowa should probably win more often than they lose, but the gap isn't close to what it once was.

We should never lose to ISU, ever. I realize we will, and we will more often than we did under Hayden.

Iowa State is nowhere near what they were under Hayden.

If you don't understand that, then you don't understand football, or are just trolling.

Iowa should probably win more often than they lose, but the gap isn't close to what it once was.


So you agree with me?
Only if in the universe you live in says that "never lose" and "win more than you lose" are the same.

I mark them down from a C (average) for losing to Minnesota, and a couple of no-shows, essential blowouts. Michigan win may be only thing that keeps it from D+, almost offset Minn, but the followup no-show on senior day with life in title race on the line was pretty damning.
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I go for C-/D+ on the basis that is was a below average result. No upsets. 1 loss that shouldn't be (Minn), and a couple blowouts/no shows. I might actually lean more toward D+, as this was in now way worthy of average.

Michigan was not an upset?
I give them a D. 4-4 is not acceptable for Iowa. It should not be acceptable to the coaches either. We had a way easier schedule than normal and no way no how, we should have gone 4-4. If you all want to think thats fine, well good for you, but I will not. I am not calling for heads, so I give them a D.
Only if in the universe you live in says that "never lose" and "win more than you lose" are the same.

I mark them down from a C (average) for losing to Minnesota, and a couple of no-shows, essential blowouts. Michigan win may be only thing that keeps it from D+, almost offset Minn, but the followup no-show on senior day with life in title race on the line was pretty damning.

I'm not saying we will never lose. I'm saying that as a fan I can't ever see me getting to the point where a loss to ISU is acceptable. Every year I go into that game feeling it should be a win for Iowa. I doubt that ever changes for me.
We should never lose to ISU, ever. I realize we will, and we will more often than we did under Hayden, but we should never do it.
that's just dumb and idiotic
ISU will never be an acceptable loss for Iowa. PSU, fOSU, scUM, MSU, Wisky... we can stomach losses to those teams, ISU not so much. I don't ever see that changing. There is nothing wrong with expecting to beat ISU every year.

but it is totally moronic to believe we won't loose to them. its just unadulterated stupidity.

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