Good Luck Hawks

Dake is an *******. What a classless **** with those comments. Way to stall your way to a championship.
Hindsight's 20-20, but it's too bad DSJ didn't keep the pace super high the whole match. I think he could have really gassed him out. Probably the best strategy.
The refereeing in these finals is beyond embarassing from McDonough taking 12 shots to megaludis's 1 and then McD getting hit for stalling to the oliver no call tothe missed 3rd caution on Russell to letting dake litterally jump backwards and check out of every tie.
Hindsight's 20-20, but it's too bad DSJ didn't keep the pace super high the whole match. I think he could have really gassed him out. Probably the best strategy.

I think he did exactly that, I think he pushed it from bottom and on his feet, the referree just refused to call stalling, if he hits dake earlier in the third or in the second for a point it changes the match.
The refereeing in these finals is beyond embarassing from McDonough taking 12 shots to megaludis's 1 and then McD getting hit for stalling to the oliver no call tothe missed 3rd caution on Russell to letting dake litterally jump backwards and check out of every tie.

This should never be allowed to happen. Refs need to crack down on protecting a lead like that. It's BS and goes against the spirit of the sport.
I think he did exactly that, I think he pushed it from bottom and on his feet, the referree just refused to call stalling, if he hits dake earlier in the third or in the second for a point it changes the match.

Yeah, but I think it's easier energy wise to ride than to keep defending on your feet. Plus, they went OB every two seconds so he got lots of little breaks. It was too bad that early TD kept Dake from having to wrestle more of the match on his feet. That's the adv of being able to ride though I guess.
This redding is awful. Dan Gable - the face of the sport needs to go to the NCAA and get the stalling rules changed. It's ruining the sport. When I was growing up and watching IA wrestling and wrestling myself they called stalls all the time during matches. Now you can't buy one. It almost means that teams like IA who other teams want to slow down need to start changing their strategy. You actually get penalized for being aggressive.
This redding is awful. Dan Gable - the face of the sport needs to go to the NCAA and get the stalling rules changed. It's ruining the sport. When I was growing up and watching IA wrestling and wrestling myself they called stalls all the time during matches. Now you can't buy one. It almost means that teams like IA who other teams want to slow down need to start changing their strategy. You actually get penalized for being aggressive.

It's definitely more of a defensive sport... think about McIlravy-Abas. What was the final, like 16-14? Seems like you see a lot more 3-1, 4-3 type matches in the finals now. Or dominate ones like what we're seeing now. But not back and forth offensive wrestling though.
What are the odds this Hatchett guy catches Taylor for a pin somehow? 100-1? 500-1? That's about the only way this doesn't end in MD or TF.
The stalling on the mat is the worst, the rule is simple for top: work for a fall. For bottom its: improve your position. Yet Tony Nelson is allowed to spiral ride for 2 minutes and drop to the leg when the guy stands. I have never, ever, ever, seen someone get pinned with from a spiral ride yet hes allowed to win every match 2-0

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