Good Job Fred Mims

for publicly calling out the new basketball staff with your quote of "We believe they were the result of sloppy management by our basketball staff." This coming from the senior adminstrator in the athletic department responsible for NCAA rules compliance. Where were you the weekend that the two recruits in question were on on-campus taking their official visit? How hard would it have been for you to monitor their whereabouts to ensure that that the basketball coaches didn't inadvertently or intentionally step over the line relative to NCAA do's and don'ts? If what occured with Evans/Oliver and Kutcher/Moore is a violation, I'm not suggesting that it should be ignored or covered up. Instead, a public acknowledgement of possible violations followed by a closed-door reprimand of the basketball staff would have been preferable to public finger pointing.
for publicly calling out the new basketball staff with your quote of "We believe they were the result of sloppy management by our basketball staff." This coming from the senior adminstrator in the athletic department responsible for NCAA rules compliance. Where were you the weekend that the two recruits in question were on on-campus taking their official visit? How hard would it have been for you to monitor their whereabouts to ensure that that the basketball coaches didn't inadvertently or intentionally step over the line relative to NCAA do's and don'ts? If what occured with Evans/Oliver and Kutcher/Moore is a violation, I'm not suggesting that it should be ignored or covered up. Instead, a public acknowledgement of possible violations followed by a closed-door reprimand of the basketball staff would have been preferable to public finger pointing.

It's politics. Trying to corner this off into a basketball program only deal. Unfortunately the news about the football program kinda killed that.
His comments show a very poor level of management skills on his part. You deal with this behind closed doors and use this language behind those same doors. Outside of those doors, it should be 'the college is pleased with the NCAA's decision/ruling and have taken steps to ensure it would not happen again'

Simple, but instead he showed his true colors...really very unfortunate and it is he that should now be taken behind the closed doors and ripped a new...well you can fill in the blank.
Isn't he right? It was sloppy and I guarantee you that Fran will be the first to admit that.
Mims should take some classes in public relations. Great way to lend a hand to a coach that already has one hand tied behind his back. Classy move. Way to show support.
Dear lord calm down people, Fred Mims is legit one of the classiest people in the athletic department. He is also a very down to earth guy that was making an honest assessment of the situation, theres no problem in what he said and you guys need to lay off the guy. If anything, we should feel lucky we've got him on board with us, what with his daughter working at FOR the NCAA and all......
lol one of the classiest people??? Are u serious? He is a complete and total spotlight chaser and always has been. His introduction at the Fran McCaffrey hiring press conference was a perfect picture of Fred Mims.
Mims comments.

It is highly doubtful that he made his comments without going through the AD and coach in advance. That is probably what they agreed should be said. As someone else pointed out, Fran would be the first to admit if they were sloppy.

Maybe you should take a course in PR, BlackGold57. This will now all go away after three days. Whereas everyone kept clamoring for KF to admit he made a mistake in clock management after the Wisconsin game and it went on for a while and would have gone on for longer if he hadn't addressed it.

If one concedes that these comments were planned out by the athletic department, then one can see the plan. If one doesn't believe that is the case, then I guess I could see your point of view. I just think you are wrong, for the reasons stated.
Mims is one of the most classless employees in the Athletic department. Ask any of the people who work with him about the problems he causes just because he likes to cause trouble.
Re: Mims comments.

It is highly doubtful that he made his comments without going through the AD and coach in advance. That is probably what they agreed should be said. As someone else pointed out, Fran would be the first to admit if they were sloppy.

Maybe you should take a course in PR, BlackGold57. This will now all go away after three days. Whereas everyone kept clamoring for KF to admit he made a mistake in clock management after the Wisconsin game and it went on for a while and would have gone on for longer if he hadn't addressed it.

If one concedes that these comments were planned out by the athletic department, then one can see the plan. If one doesn't believe that is the case, then I guess I could see your point of view. I just think you are wrong, for the reasons stated.

1. Any comments make in today's world that makes the press/internet will be here from now until eternity. All a person checking references need to do is complete a quick search and it will show up at some level of the search.

2. I am speaking from fifteen years of experience in top level management when I say, this is a perfect case of how not to manage staff if you want their respect and trust at the end of the day. Again, the comments are fine behind closed doors, but not in the public eye...
Tom Terrific,
Its the coaches job to chaperone the visiting recruits, not compliance dept. people. Remember, they have other Sports that they work with as well. Compliance dept. is a very frustrating place at times. Their responsibilities consist of saving coaching staffs from themselves a lot.
Sounds like an asshat to me. If you think he's not an asshat, you need proof backing it up, because that statement is full of asshattery and I don't ever want to hear another word from that guy.

If he were in charge of the visit I honestly think that he wouln't have thought twice about that being any problem.

I don't know how you can be a fan of Iowa basketball and still stick up for this asshat. Seriously, the NCAA said the very next day that there's NO penalty whatsoever, NONE! Yet you still support this guy who's badmouthing our coach?

Here's what I want him to say. Where does he stand on North Carolina? Unless he wants them to get the death penalty then everything he's said about Fran is crap.

NO big recruit for North Carolina hasn't met Michael Jordan. He's a MUCH bigger celebrity to a young basketball player then Ashton ******* Kutcher..

Also, here's a quote from Harrison Barnes talking about his recruiting trip to North Carolina,

"lot of the pro guys were there, too, and I got a chance to talk with them about their experiences. Like Vince Carter, you could tell he missed it and he really loves Carolina. He was real aggressive about why I should want to go to Carolina. I got to meet George Karl, Larry Brown… There were a lot of really important people from there that I got to meet."

He got to meet all these important famous people? Really? Interesting.

If you're standing up defending this pile of crap, please tell me why.

Unless that loser says that UNC was much worse then Fran everything he said was a lie and he needs to be fired.
Mims is one of the most classless employees in the Athletic department. Ask any of the people who work with him about the problems he causes just because he likes to cause trouble.

Among other things I've heard no one really knows what he does.
Re: Mims comments.

It is highly doubtful that he made his comments without going through the AD and coach in advance. That is probably what they agreed should be said. As someone else pointed out, Fran would be the first to admit if they were sloppy.

Maybe you should take a course in PR, BlackGold57. This will now all go away after three days. Whereas everyone kept clamoring for KF to admit he made a mistake in clock management after the Wisconsin game and it went on for a while and would have gone on for longer if he hadn't addressed it.

If one concedes that these comments were planned out by the athletic department, then one can see the plan. If one doesn't believe that is the case, then I guess I could see your point of view. I just think you are wrong, for the reasons stated.

If I made my living dealing in the media I would, especially if I called out a new BB coach with the challenges he has in front of him. Maybe at least act like you support him, that would help?

People say they know or think Fran agrees? Really, do you work in the athletic dept? Are you a personal friend? Did you speak with him? How do you know it was well planned out?

Theres a right and wrong way to speak to it. Quit blabbing; what does KF situation have to do with comments made? Sounds like Mims really quieted things down like KF, as you say.
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Again I submit:

1) Mims prepared the report that saved the staff's ***.
2) What Mims said was correct.

Saying the staff was 'sloppy' is not a slap in the face of Fran nor is it an indictment on his coaching skills or his person. It is a fact that I'm sure Fran will readily admit. Enough with the hypersensitivity because I'm sure Fran can take luke-warm criticism on a mistake that could have cost the program.
Isn't he right? It was sloppy and I guarantee you that Fran will be the first to admit that.

I find absolutely nothing wrong with his comment. I am in communications and spend a lot of time working on media relations. While a little frank, I have no objections to what he said. The entire situation was handled poorly and the university/athletic department has a right to be peeved because this is bringing negative attention to the program. The oringinal poster said way to go for "calling out" our basketball staff. Who should he have called out. It is unacceptable and that is how he communicated his position. Mims simply saying "no comment" would not cut it in this situation. Iowa is a clean-cut program and something like this happening (while innocent in nature) still sheds a negative light on the University. Mims had to say something and I think his comment was spot on and he called it like it is.
if i wrote a memo that thousands of people were going to read, i would refrain from using the term "sloppy" unless i worked for Manwich

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