Good game guys

I was sitting 15 rows up
On the 20 yesterday, right above those "injuries" and I booed like I never had when the first guy flopped. I was not ashamed if it, it was an obvious flop and there is no room for that in the game. I've never seen Alabama do that. It's pitiful that one of the top programs in the country would have to resort to a flop to beat us. (little old Iowa) they deserved booing and I stick with that!
The more talented team won but not the team with the most class. Even though Iowa lost I woke up this morning still proud to be a Hawk fan.
I forget even well educated people in the South, use the word "yall" it takes a minute or two to get use to. LSU was the better team, it would have been nice if Iowa played a clean game, but they made too many mistakes to win. More hat on Hat power blocking would have helped; however, zone blocking is Iowa's bread and butter so you go with what got you there.
I forget even well educated people in the South, use the word "yall" it takes a minute or two to get use to. LSU was the better team, it would have been nice if Iowa played a clean game, but they made too many mistakes to win. More hat on Hat power blocking would have helped; however, zone blocking is Iowa's bread and butter so you go with what got you there.

Some of you guys are hilarious. I signed up on this site because it was referenced to me by one of your fans as the most objective and even keeled of the Iowa forums. While it looks as if a few of you are objective in your perspective of the game, a lot of you are acting as if you believe ONE guy flopping on a singular play (because Barrow was really hurt, look at the replay), you lost the game.. Come on! We both left some plays out there, and the refs screwed both of us over.. ie the "forward progress" fumble that popped out as soon as he got hit. The bottom line, you guys were outmatched in the trenches. And yes, half of our lineman take jazz and tap electives and are all auditioning for Dancing with the Stars. Its a little embarrassing, I wont lie, but they were having a good time out there. Our defense has been admittedly spotty this year, and that was one of their more complete games. As far as back handed compliments, yea I may be gloating a bit. But Its because I remember '04 all too well, and it was nice to get a little payback.
The Southern/ Swamp comments are just plain unexplainable. You talk about the South and their racism and backwards, dated culture, but I mean who are you? You aren't Colorado, you aren't California, you're Iowa.. I recently spoke with a US Customs agent from Iowa, and she said it was the most dull, bland, cultureless place you could imagine. Some of you have probably never been to New Orleans or Baton Rouge, but I can guarantee you both places are much more refined than anything in Iowa. You sound dumb when you stand in your corn fields and make fun of our swamps (which only cover the bottom 1/4 of our state.. the rest is corn fields.
I really enjoyed the friendly banter with the educated of your fanbase, and some of you need to drop the level of delusion. Lose with grace; hell, If LSU lost, we would be way more mad at our coach than some Iowa dude flopping on one play. As far as our fans, they are the epitome of class, you can ask anyone that ever came to a tailgate and got filled up with beer and jambalaya. Yes, I use "yall".. If selfie can be added to the dictionary, Fuuuuck yall
..... hell, If LSU lost, we would be way more mad at our coach than some Iowa dude flopping on one play.
This is the norm here. Losses are blamed on either poor reffing, opposing players dancing/taunting too much or remarks like, "we didn't play our best game and handed them the win."
Some of you guys are hilarious. I signed up on this site because it was referenced to me by one of your fans as the most objective and even keeled of the Iowa forums. While it looks as if a few of you are objective in your perspective of the game, a lot of you are acting as if you believe ONE guy flopping on a singular play (because Barrow was really hurt, look at the replay), you lost the game.. Come on! We both left some plays out there, and the refs screwed both of us over.. ie the "forward progress" fumble that popped out as soon as he got hit. The bottom line, you guys were outmatched in the trenches. And yes, half of our lineman take jazz and tap electives and are all auditioning for Dancing with the Stars. Its a little embarrassing, I wont lie, but they were having a good time out there. Our defense has been admittedly spotty this year, and that was one of their more complete games. As far as back handed compliments, yea I may be gloating a bit. But Its because I remember '04 all too well, and it was nice to get a little payback.
The Southern/ Swamp comments are just plain unexplainable. You talk about the South and their racism and backwards, dated culture, but I mean who are you? You aren't Colorado, you aren't California, you're Iowa.. I recently spoke with a US Customs agent from Iowa, and she said it was the most dull, bland, cultureless place you could imagine. Some of you have probably never been to New Orleans or Baton Rouge, but I can guarantee you both places are much more refined than anything in Iowa. You sound dumb when you stand in your corn fields and make fun of our swamps (which only cover the bottom 1/4 of our state.. the rest is corn fields.
I really enjoyed the friendly banter with the educated of your fanbase, and some of you need to drop the level of delusion. Lose with grace; hell, If LSU lost, we would be way more mad at our coach than some Iowa dude flopping on one play. As far as our fans, they are the epitome of class, you can ask anyone that ever came to a tailgate and got filled up with beer and jambalaya. Yes, I use "yall".. If selfie can be added to the dictionary, Fuuuuck yall

Man, somebody must have hit a nerve. LSU won, yet you sound like a giant crybaby.

Also, I've been to NO, and "refined" is not a term that comes to mind. "Fun as hell", "multi-cultural", "entertaining"--yes--maybe even "inviting". But "refined"? No.
Man, somebody must have hit a nerve. LSU won, yet you sound like a giant crybaby.

Also, I've been to NO, and "refined" is not a term that comes to mind. "Fun as hell", "multi-cultural", "entertaining"--yes--maybe even "inviting". But "refined"? No.

Exactly what I was thinking, why get your panties in a bunch over something as trivial as this.
the "fff yall" was a joke ,lighten up. And it wasn't refined because you spent your time in the tourists traps, understandably. If you ever went with a local, and they were "refined", you would understand what I mean.. And nobody is crying in Louisiana today, trust me.
the "fff yall" was a joke ,lighten up. And it wasn't refined because you spent your time in the tourists traps, understandably. If you ever went with a local, and they were "refined", you would understand what I mean.. And nobody is crying in Louisiana today, trust me.

Brah, you weren't joking quit trying to play it off as if you were, someone touched a nerve somewhere. If it makes you feel any better I love cajun food, i love Southern food in general.
Trust me when I tell you, nobody has stricken a nerve with me.. I have been an active poster on a LSU site that makes this look like Sunday School. It was tongue and cheek, I assure you. I have thick skin and am not offended by any of the things said in here. Some of them are quite laughable but that's about it.
It's not y'all, it's ye all that was brought over from the Scotch Irish it harkins back to an old English plural form of you that is generally not in use any more. Ye all can also be shortened to y'all as a contraction.
Trust me when I tell you, nobody has stricken a nerve with me.. I have been an active poster on a LSU site that makes this look like Sunday School. It was tongue and cheek, I assure you. I have thick skin and am not offended by any of the things said in here. Some of them are quite laughable but that's about it.

Just sayin'... It seemed a little whiney to me, that's all. Maybe it's just a cultural thing.

I'll take your word for it that you weren't being a crybaby.
Man, some of you guys are sore losers. yes, most of those "injuries" were flops. The one I thought was a flop too, till I saw the replay. he took it in the head pretty hard. As to the OP, I didn't think he was being an a$$. At least until provoked. I do not respect that LSU team either, but the OP wasn't being an a$$, at least not how I read it. Congrats on the game OP.
Thanks bro. All of my friends and family that went to the game said the Iowa fans were a class act and almost too nice.
Our traveling fans are good people, so im sure there was no controversy. I hold no disdain towards Iowa or any of its fans. I can understand being on the losing end to a team that is show boating is hard to bear. Being a Saints fan, I want to punch Steve Smith's dog. I wish Miles would get control over it, but I would not trade it for inept play. Miles players love him, and it may be because he is a "players coach". It takes all kinds, and I love our quirky head coach.
LSU had more talent ,that was clear. But i cannot stand the frickin showboating every player on that team did after a 'big play' and then the fake injuries which we have seen before from MSU. I still think MSU has the best defense in the country. Good luck in the SEC where if you ain't cheating you ain't trying. Best teams money can buy. Did I mention I hate the SEC?
Some of you guys are hilarious. I signed up on this site because it was referenced to me by one of your fans as the most objective and even keeled of the Iowa forums. While it looks as if a few of you are objective in your perspective of the game, a lot of you are acting as if you believe ONE guy flopping on a singular play (because Barrow was really hurt, look at the replay), you lost the game.. Come on! We both left some plays out there, and the refs screwed both of us over.. ie the "forward progress" fumble that popped out as soon as he got hit. The bottom line, you guys were outmatched in the trenches. And yes, half of our lineman take jazz and tap electives and are all auditioning for Dancing with the Stars. Its a little embarrassing, I wont lie, but they were having a good time out there. Our defense has been admittedly spotty this year, and that was one of their more complete games. As far as back handed compliments, yea I may be gloating a bit. But Its because I remember '04 all too well, and it was nice to get a little payback.
The Southern/ Swamp comments are just plain unexplainable. You talk about the South and their racism and backwards, dated culture, but I mean who are you? You aren't Colorado, you aren't California, you're Iowa.. I recently spoke with a US Customs agent from Iowa, and she said it was the most dull, bland, cultureless place you could imagine. Some of you have probably never been to New Orleans or Baton Rouge, but I can guarantee you both places are much more refined than anything in Iowa. You sound dumb when you stand in your corn fields and make fun of our swamps (which only cover the bottom 1/4 of our state.. the rest is corn fields.
I really enjoyed the friendly banter with the educated of your fanbase, and some of you need to drop the level of delusion. Lose with grace; hell, If LSU lost, we would be way more mad at our coach than some Iowa dude flopping on one play. As far as our fans, they are the epitome of class, you can ask anyone that ever came to a tailgate and got filled up with beer and jambalaya. Yes, I use "yall".. If selfie can be added to the dictionary, Fuuuuck yall

Dude, seriously...all you do all day is log on to other fan sites and talk about how great LSU and Louisiana are??? Are you really just Bobby Jindal??? Referencing your post, who said anything about race in any of the posts on this forum? If I didn't know any better I'd think you were trying to paint Iowans with the racists brush. Everyone here has acknowledged that LSU was the better team yesterday. You are still 1-1 against Iowa...get over it already. Please stop coming by give everyone from Louisiana a bad name. Your first post was fine but when you keep coming back you come off like a huge doucher. So, thanks for stopping by, good luck with your GED and Happy New Year!
Anyway, OP meant no disrespect that I can see.
Just tellin' it like it is.

Why do message boards bring the biggest fools?

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