good for fran

A "T" was fine. The 2nd and charging the ref was plain idiotic.
This, 1 T and maybe you inspire your team. 2 and an ejection, you give them 4 free points and your team is ******** their pants. Bad move at a bad time. I expect he will apologize.
except when hes WRONG

While he did go overboard, he was absolutely right. The call against Olaseni on one end immediately followed by the no-call where Olaseni was shooting was simply bad officiating. No, those two calls didn't determine the game. But they were a part of a pattern for the previous four or so minutes. After the T's, the calls seemed to even out a bit.
1 OK - The second was selfish hurt the team. Did it cost them a win???? hard to tell there were still nearly 12 minutes left in the game. One thing for sure it didn't help.
His frustration was very justifiable. The first T was called very quickly, I'd rather not have it at all but it happens sometimes, I get it. Everything he did after the first T was called was irresponsible, unacceptable, ill-advised, idiotic like everyone else said, and I sort of think we were better for it by not having him on the bench in the last 10 minutes. That's something you cannot do. I'll stand up for him next time he's on the sideline but not now.
Bumping a ref on the floor is a bit different than rape, or haven't you noticed?
Sure, but the point was that many of you stand with creeps regardless whether it is cable bill beatings, ******* in lobbies, touching refs, etc
Actually, rape comes to mind when you consider how the officials were calling the game the first 10 minutes of the second half.
completely agree

After watching the replay, it appeared Fran had no intention of bumping the second ref. He was moving towards the ref, and the ref was walking towards the scoring table. The ref actually stuck out his forearm and made contact. Not trying to justify what happened. Fran crossed the line. Probably could have got his point across with just one technical foul. As as fan, I am not going to get that worked up about it. It is what it is. Definitely didn't help out the team any, but the Hawks had a chance late, just failed to close out on two big three point shots.
The second technical was called very quickly and the contact appeared unintentional.....

Should have been called on the ref.....

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