good for fran

Agreed. This Bo bias bullshi t has to stop with B1G refs. I hope beyond hope that Barta has a pair and stands with his coach.
yeah good for you Fran, you embarrassed yourself and cost your team the win. Hope the Big1 suspends you for the next game, maybe you'll get some anger management.
? Huge embarrassment. That simple.

After a while, you have to take a stand. Bo can yell at the officials at a time out... Izzo can go Balistic, as well as Matta.... and they don't get a T. While Iowa continues to get screwed. Sometimes when you stand up, it makes a difference. Time will tell, but I love the passion.
Originally Posted by damnfinn
yeah good for you Fran, you embarrassed yourself and cost your team the win. Hope the Big1 suspends you for the next game, maybe you'll get some anger management.

Go root for the Cyclones.

Please.... Go root for the Mayor.
After watching the replay, it appeared Fran had no intention of bumping the second ref. He was moving towards the ref, and the ref was walking towards the scoring table. The ref actually stuck out his forearm and made contact. Not trying to justify what happened. Fran crossed the line. Probably could have got his point across with just one technical foul. As as fan, I am not going to get that worked up about it. It is what it is. Definitely didn't help out the team any, but the Hawks had a chance late, just failed to close out on two big three point shots.

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