Giving/Receiving rep


Well-Known Member
I know that the way you give rep is by clicking on that little heart thing at the bottom of a person's avatar/profile thingy, but for some reason when I want to rep someone, I don't get a dialog box that lets me tell that person why I was repping that particular post. Is there something I need to turn on somewhere that would allow me to do that, or am I just missing something?

Also, typically when someone receives reputation, they're able to see what particular post and thread were given rep...I am also not able to do this, so I'm again wondering if there is something somewhere that I would need to turn on.

Any help from anyone would be appreciated.
I don't think the rep functionality is working, as everyone seems to have the same rep. Or maybe I'm mistaken? Can the moderators comment?
How does one view the rep they've rec'd? And conversely, do other users see the comments that others leave as part of their rep-giving?
I don't think the rep functionality is working, as everyone seems to have the same rep. Or maybe I'm mistaken? Can the moderators comment?

I don't think it is either, as by now most people would probably have 2 or 3 squares. Vintage, go into your cpanel, it should be the first thing that pops up towards the bottom half of the screen.
Rep doesn't mean anything right now, other than people like your posts...I am thinking of some ideas and ways to create poster statistics...loyalty analytics if you will, that can correlate with prizes.
you are supposed to get a dialog box when you click it? Crap, I didn't know that. *has been unsuccessful at giving rep since the site started*
Rep doesn't mean anything right now, other than people like your posts...I am thinking of some ideas and ways to create poster statistics...loyalty analytics if you will, that can correlate with prizes.

Prizes? Really?!?
So maybe someday, if I change my ways to being really vanilla and non-argumentatitve, I could win a genuine, authographed Doug Buch jersey???
Let's let the healing begin!
I always liked the 5 star rating better. Plus if someone has a ton of rep seems to get as many reps as the person who has one rep. P.S. can someone please rep me, I keep my comments pretty basic.
I always liked the 5 star rating better. Plus if someone has a ton of rep seems to get as many reps as the person who has one rep. P.S. can someone please rep me, I keep my comments pretty basic.

Done. You've moved from "purple" to "green" in one fell swoop.

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