Getting a digital signature box


Well-Known Member
Twice now in the last hour when I came to the site I've received a digital signature popup box. It's a security warning box about an unverified digital signature to install an app.

The "app" tries to pass itself off as a Java update, but the url direct you to www.
I've gotten it too. It's not trying to pass itself off as a java update. It's Java's security features asking you if you want to run an unsigned applet. I chose not to run it too. Not sure if Jon is using some new video-player on the site, or if it's something else. Either way, I've never heard of, so I denied it.
I am getting it every time I visit the HN main page, beginning yesterday afternoon. I actually accepted it once yesterday because I was angry about the game and wasn't paying attention. What it did was permanently change my browser homepage to something ending in ".tk". I had to do a system restore to undo it.
as stated in another thread, we are in the process of eliminating whatever this is, as well as getting pricing today for a move to a new webhost that has better security

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