Gazette series

And sometimes the truth just hurts when it is told...

No the article isn't about the is about the joke that is called Iowa BB...
ISU bb was never the consistent force in college bb like they are not worth analyzing by an eastern Iowa newspaper,imo. Iowa is the eastern Iowa team,if not the whole state...ISU?...afterthought.
Unfortunately after the Gannett crowd got their hands on the DM Register and spent more than a decade effectively destroying it, then the Chicago Tribune in financial desperation made the decision to end circulation of the Trib outside of Chicago & suburbs.

Now we are left in Eastern Iowa with nothing remotely resembling a real newspaper--probably the closest thing is the Davenport Times (the best newspaper in the CR-IC area is the one put out by students, the Daily Iowan). But the rest of the drek--the Iowa City Presshitagain, the Eastern Iowa affiliates of the networks, the CR Godzette...

makes anyone long for the days of the Pony Express mail....

I never buy the Godzette. Don't own a parrot. So I don't need it to line the bottom of a bird cage.