Gatens on Fran's postgame locker room apology


Well-Known Member
"There's nothing he needs to say. We know. We've played this game long enough to know that he's fighting for us. He wouldn't do anything to jeopardize us. We love coach, he loves us, and we're going to continue to fight together."

I think things just snowballed out of control last night and it is unfortunate. Keep fighting boys.
Hadn't seen that yet thanks EP. Countdown till someone comes in and bashes Gatens. 3....2.....
I don't think the technicals will have any influence going forward negatively or positively.

Fran lost control of his emotions. Warranted or unwarranted. It is what it is. He certainly wasn't attempting to put his team in a bad situation.

They're all competitive people it seems like. You're right, emotions just got out of hand and it's time to move on, keep working at it.
My biggest disappointment is that somebody (Brommer or Archie) didn't send a message to Piehl or one of the 3 point shooters. Nothing cheap or dirty, but when Marble got floored, the next foul should have been a message foul. UNI has some good players and no disrespect to their program, but we play timid against them every year. Cole would have put somebody on the floor guaranteed ala that dude from IU that had that wicked dunk last year and started parading around.
I have no problem with Fran getting the T's. He knew either way that his team wasn't going to be allowed to win that game. The way it was being called there was no way Iowa could have won. The T's really didn't matter.
We all knew that Fran was a bit of a loose cannon. It has it's good parts and it has negative implications. I personally love the passion.

And again ... it was just UNI.
Bob Knight was a loose cannon on T'S, Fran is fighting for respect for his team
pretty soon the Media will start showing the plays that got the T'S
and the refs will start to take heat for some of their calls
right now they view Iowa as their patsy and can call the game in favor of a better team
especially on the supposedly better teams home court
We all knew that Fran was a bit of a loose cannon. It has it's good parts and it has negative implications. I personally love the passion.

And again ... it was just UNI.
No way is he a loose cannon. Coaches like this get technicals on purpose. They want to send a message to their team, their opposition and the officials that we won't be intimidated. I'm 100% glad he did it - this team will play with more fire and emotion the rest of the year to match the fire of its coach. That was one of the worst officiated basketball games I have watched in over 40 years. Just a complete travesty.

The technicals were perfect and were long overdue. Keep fighting, coach.
No way is he a loose cannon. Coaches like this get technicals on purpose. They want to send a message to their team, their opposition and the officials that we won't be intimidated.
I agree that coaches sometimes get technicals on purpose. But almost always this occurs very early in the game or when the game result is a fait accompli; NOT in the second half where your team still has a great chance to win.

Fran messed up and he knows it.
just maybe it took that long for the T's to get called
the way the refs were calling things they timed the T's just right
My biggest disappointment is that somebody (Brommer or Archie) didn't send a message to Piehl or one of the 3 point shooters. Nothing cheap or dirty, but when Marble got floored, the next foul should have been a message foul. UNI has some good players and no disrespect to their program, but we play timid against them every year. Cole would have put somebody on the floor guaranteed ala that dude from IU that had that wicked dunk last year and started parading around.

Agree. Need to get a little swagger and respect back. Kinda like a brushback pitch, the one that just gotta away of course.

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