Gary Barta has Cancer

My biological father died from prostate cancer this year in his early 60s. I will say, based on what I've been told (not being super close), he didn't do much to fight it. As noted, Mr. Barta should stand a great chance as long as he caught it early.
Interesting. I was at the Presidential Reception before the Homecoming game. He was standing nearby talking to people. I guess this was diagnosed just in the last couple of days.

That's possible. Although I know after I was originally diagnosed with prostate cancer, I spent 2 years on active surveillance before I finally gave in and got the robotic surgery to remove the cancer.

Its possible Barta has known for a while, but if that is the case, something has changed recently to make him get the surgery right now, because typically there is no need to rush it.
Women can get prostate cancer too... They have a prostate.
I have 30 years in medicine. 22 of which are in the building across the street from the stadium. Women do not have a prostate. They have a gland called the Skene's gland that is similar in structure but they do not have a prostate. I find your post funny though. Ignorant, yet funny.
Forgive me for not going to medical school. I googled female prostate cancer and:
"Female prostate gland. Skene's gland, also known as the paraurethral gland, found in females, is homologous to theprostate gland in males. However, anatomically, the uterus is in the same position as the prostate gland. ... The gland also expels fluid, like the male prostate, during orgasm."

Way to be a douche though.
My daughter is a breast cancer survivor and I wish nothing but the best for Gary Barta. Cancer is brutal and wouldn't wish that upon anybody.