Fuller gone per DM Register


Uh. This could make for another long season next year. Hopefully we land some decent recruits so regardless of next years results our fan base can be excited for the future.

We can't afford for Fran to get to a slow start recruiting as lick did, not with the current state of the program.

Whats that four years in a row our best player leaving?

Fran please get your staff finalized, we need to get to work.
We are going to be terrible next year. Losing Larson or Fuller was doable, but without either we just have nothing to work with. Let's be mad again... more like let's be sad again. I hope Fran knew what he was getting into with this job...
4 years in a row, we lose our best player. Someone wake me up from this nightmare, Please! this comes on the same day that our top recruit, decides not come. whats the story. this all comes within a couple of days after the new asst coach is hired. Maybe they don't like him?
Not real sure Aaron would have stayed with no coaching change. Regardless, it happens, it has not been paradise the past couple of years, and Fran needs to have guys that want to be at Iowa. We may be served just fine for him to bring in 4 guys that he feels he can work with and that want to work with him.

This program needs a fresh start.
How to Destroy a Basketball Program by Robert (Bob) Bowlsby

Fire a successful coach. Hire an egotistical replacement. Leave for Stanford.
4 years in a row, we lose our best player. Someone wake me up from this nightmare, Please! this comes on the same day that our top recruit, decides not come. whats the story. this all comes within a couple of days after the new asst coach is hired. Maybe they don't like him?

It sounds like from others (like Jon Miller post,etc) that Fuller had made up his mind to transfer long ago and that was the final nail in Lickliter's coffin. Once you set that in motion in your mind, it is hard to reverse.
I don't think Bowlsby or Alford have anything to do with this. I'm glad I don't have to hear anything about Fuller possibly leaving anymore. I always got the impression he didn't want to be hear in the first place, just by his body language on the court. It seemed to me his heart was in another place and evidently it was. I wonder how many jucos we'll have on the team next year?
I don't think Bowlsby or Alford have anything to do with this. I'm glad I don't have to hear anything about Fuller possibly leaving anymore. I always got the impression he didn't want to be hear in the first place, just by his body language on the court. It seemed to me his heart was in another place and evidently it was. I wonder how many jucos we'll have on the team next year?

Bowlsby and Alford were crucial cogs in getting us to where we are now. Bowlsby did not invest in the program when he had the chance, and because of that we're only just now making moves to catch up in the facilities area of the program. Then Alford helped to turn away a lot of fans with his arrogance and support of a rapist. Without those two things happening, Lickliter probably never sets foot on campus, and we'd all be pretty happy watching the Hawks play. So while those two didn't directly have anything to do with this, they are the biggest reasons that the program is in the shape that it's currently in.
not glad Fuller is leaving, but am glad that the speculation is over with, I wish him well. Now we move on. Whoever said it, nailed it, " this program needs to start fresh ". Fuller would have helped had he stayed, but there is no doubt in my mind that we are going to struggle with or w/out him.
I LOVE the FM hire, I think he will do good things at Iowa while he is here, I am not one of those fans that thinks he is going to step on campus and pull a 1st year Tom Davis type season, not going to happen, not even close. even if we are 2-3 years away I still support this hire. Go out and get your boys Fran, get players that want to be Hawkeye's, I'm behind ya! I'm still looking forward to basketball season.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out, Aaron.

If the kid doesn't want to make the commitment and put in the work necessary under Fran and he'd rather be a "big man" on some mid-major....fine. Adios.

I am confident Fran will get kids that WANT to play for him. And I predict he won't have the turnover in personnel Lick did....because even though the team will still probably lose next season, at least the kids will be having FUN.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out, Aaron.

If the kid doesn't want to make the commitment and put in the work necessary under Fran and he'd rather be a "big man" on some mid-major....fine. Adios.

I am confident Fran will get kids that WANT to play for him. And I predict he won't have the turnover in personnel Lick did....because even though the team will still probably lose next season, at least the kids will be having FUN.

Seriously, **** off. He made the decision he felt was best for him, and I support him 100%. If he feels like he doesn't fit in to Coach's plans then he has every right to leave.
I don't think Bowlsby or Alford have anything to do with this. I'm glad I don't have to hear anything about Fuller possibly leaving anymore. I always got the impression he didn't want to be hear in the first place, just by his body language on the court. It seemed to me his heart was in another place and evidently it was. I wonder how many jucos we'll have on the team next year?

Bowlsby let the BB program fall behind on the facility "arms race" of college basketball. That did not cause all of this, but I think it is a contributing factor.

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