FSU could have trouble

For a crime to be committed there are two elements; mens rea and actus reus. They have proof of the act (actus reus) but they still need to figure out if the act was done with malice (mens rea​). Without more facts or a witness to come forward I believe this case will not go before a judge and jury.

This is not correct.
I'm in this party, just extremely odd about the timing of this... I'm gonna back to wearing my tin foil hat now.

Let's not kid ourselves, FSU won't suspend him or do a damn thing until an actual arrest is made, and everybody will be dragging their feet as much as possible on this. Don't wanna put that Nat'l title chance at risk!
Let's not kid ourselves, FSU won't suspend him or do a damn thing until an actual arrest is made, and everybody will be dragging their feet as much as possible on this. Don't wanna put that Nat'l title chance at risk!

But I doubt he wins the Heisman now. It will, once again, go to an SEC player.
Let's not kid ourselves, FSU won't suspend him or do a damn thing until an actual arrest is made, and everybody will be dragging their feet as much as possible on this. Don't wanna put that Nat'l title chance at risk!

I agree, just really weird timing.
My understanding is that Minston's theory is that it was consensual, and as evidence of that he has two eye-witnesses. This in turn begs the question: Why are there witnesses to the sexual encounter? Winston lets his buddies watch?
My understanding is that Minston's theory is that it was consensual, and as evidence of that he has two eye-witnesses. This in turn begs the question: Why are there witnesses to the sexual encounter? Winston lets his buddies watch?

I'm guessing he's defining witness more broadly than that. I.e. witnesses saw her go into a bedroom willingly or something to that effect.
My understanding is that Minston's theory is that it was consensual, and as evidence of that he has two eye-witnesses. This in turn begs the question: Why are there witnesses to the sexual encounter? Winston lets his buddies watch?

Good point and question.

I'm guessing he's defining witness more broadly than that. I.e. witnesses saw her go into a bedroom willingly or something to that effect.

Just because a female retires to a bedroom does not necessarily mean that she's consenting to having intercourse (not saying you were insinuating that, btw). Weird that they would do that, I know, but trust me, it's happened before.
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My understanding is that Minston's theory is that it was consensual, and as evidence of that he has two eye-witnesses. This in turn begs the question: Why are there witnesses to the sexual encounter? Winston lets his buddies watch?

It ain't no fun, if the homies can't get none.
My understanding is that Minston's theory is that it was consensual, and as evidence of that he has two eye-witnesses. This in turn begs the question: Why are there witnesses to the sexual encounter? Winston lets his buddies watch?

These were the "lookout" guys.
Lots of kids in college have roommates who sleep in the same room. There are rumors on nearly every board about players witnessing stuff other players are doing and it comes out in these awful "school investigations" or in police or court testimony. Just because one or two witnesses say something didn't happen doesn't prove anything anyway its all embarrassing and misguided and shows more about what the football schools care about than whether a crime actually happened.

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