

Well-Known Member
Some Goofer posted this on the Husker board. I'm starting to think that Goofer fan is as bad a the Clowns. Until they actually score against the Hawks they need to just sit in the corner with their box of crayons. No paper, just the crayons.

Welcome! Some Big Ten Facts of LIfe - - Husker Message Board

First of all, from everyone from the great state of Minnesota, welcome to the great Big Ten! I can confidently speak for the majority of us here at the University of Minnesota that the addition of the University of Nebraska is exceptional. To celebrate, here are some facts of life that I am certain you will adapt to, especially since you are in the Midwest part of the conference.

1. Who hates Iowa, WE HATE IOWA - This one is fairly simple, always hate Iowa, no matter what you play them in. Kill them, slaughter them, then laugh at them. SPOILER ALERT: They're a different breed of human.

2. Wisconsin is the worst state in the nation - This concept is also simple,really no need explanation needed for the Vadger plague.

3. The Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa rivaly is truely unique - It's truely a three-way type of rivalry. Due to your geographic location, I'm sure this will soon become a four-way rivalry, and damn it, I can't wait.

4. Thank whoever you worship, because there is no Texas in this league - No school is given more importance in big picture operations, everyone is represented on a fair level. Feel confident in knowing that all roads no longer lead to Texas.

5. You, my friends, just got a big raise - I am confident that the $22 million figure paid out to each member this year will now increase with you, and I am really excited to see how your school improves, both atheletically and academically, with the added resources.

6. Academics? We invented the seat belt, pacemaker, Vitamen A, C... (insert never ending list) - Although you are already in the top 100, if you believe in history (Penn State), you will be jumping up about 20 ranks with this move!

7. Don't buy into the Ohio State, Michigan, Penn State hype - Every one of the schools is this great conference are extremely unique, there's too much relevence given to the "big 3" in the national media.

This is all I can think of for now, I'll post more as I think of them. Other Big Ten fans out there? Add them to this list! Once again, congrats Nebraska from the University of Minnesota! SKI-U-MAH

6. Academics? We invented the seat belt, pacemaker, Vitamen A, C... (insert never ending list) - Although you are already in the top 100, if you believe in history (Penn State), you will be jumping up about 20 ranks with this move!

I was under the impression that nature invented "Vitamen" A, C, etc.

Apparently U of Minn's library doesn't have a dictionary either...
That's actually not as bad I expected coming from a Goofer. Obviously a little resentful over the goose-eggs the last 2 years against us with #1. The rest are pretty reasonable, except I don't share that same level of hatred for Wisconsin, mine is slightly more toned down than that :)