Neither fan base wants to allow for the fact that another team beat them. Their team blows every game they lose. The opponent never had anything to do with it. Why give the other team credit for anything.
This is something Iowa fans used to always complain about re Nebraska fans. Yet I don't know if I have seen one person on this board say that maybe we just got beat by a better team in Wisconsin.
It's not that we didn't make mistakes. We did. It's not that we couldn't have won the game, because we could have. It's not that I am letting the coaching staff off the hook, because I am not. Maybe their coaching staff is better than ours. Maybe they recruit better than us and so maybe their talent is better than ours. None of this lets the coaches off the hook.
But maybe we just got beat on Saturday by a better team. Where this program is right now, though, fans on this board will simply blame the coach for losing as opposed to giving another credit for winning.