Friday visitor?

I'm no troll, the reason I asked was to find out who it was or who you guys might of thought it could of been, and now I know who it was and can't say anymore. Sorry for unintentionally teasing you guys.
I'm no troll, the reason I asked was to find out who it was or who you guys might of thought it could of been, and now I know who it was and can't say anymore. Sorry for unintentionally teasing you guys.

You are just like my first girlfriend. All tease, no substance.
Because if I said anything the person that told me could get in trouble, Fran runs a very sealed lip program. Not a whole lot of information is leaked about basketball recruits, like Hubbard no one knew of him until after his visit.
Because if I said anything the person that told me could get in trouble, Fran runs a very sealed lip program. Not a whole lot of information is leaked about basketball recruits, like Hubbard no one knew of him until after his visit.

We have heard that before. 1. If you tell us the recruit but don't tell us who your source is how can he get in trouble. 2. Why would you come here and say you know if you don't want to tell anyone since it will get your source in trouble.

Either you have no clue, or you just are not that smart.
I was trying to figure it out before the visit. The only reason I won't tell you is because the MODS of TOS' don't even know so that means only a few people actually know.
I was trying to figure it out before the visit. The only reason I won't tell you is because the MODS of TOS' don't even know so that means only a few people actually know.

Cmon Sarah, I dumped you for a reason. Stop teasing me and leave me alone.
I was trying to figure it out before the visit. The only reason I won't tell you is because the MODS of TOS' don't even know so that means only a few people actually know.

If you posted the name on TOS Blair or Tom would immediately delete the whole thread because that's what they do if someone beats them to the punch.
the other mods don't know and also feel he won't end up here and that it was courtesy visit, so stop the bs if you know then say who if not go away and stop the lying
I'm totally disgusted with myself for reading through this whole thread. I'm much dumber than I was before. And I certainly don't have many smarts to give up!
Hey guys, nevermind...I found out who was really behind it, but I can't tell you who it was because my source might get into trouble...sorry about that! Please, by all means, carry on!
Hey guys, nevermind...I found out who was really behind it, but I can't tell you who it was because my source might get into trouble...sorry about that! Please, by all means, carry on!

You were my 2nd GF, weren't you??!?!?

Come to think of it, I had 2 GFs that were teases....I think maybe I should look in the mirror. :D:eek::D
You were my 2nd GF, weren't you??!?!?

Come to think of it, I had 2 GFs that were teases....I think maybe I should look in the mirror. :D:eek::D

Were they hot teases? Or just "so so" teases? If they were hot, no mirror is needed...but if they were just "so so" you really need to break the cycle as quickly as possible...:p
It is more than obvious who the visitor was.....

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