FREE VIDEO STREAM - Here you go.

If available I will try and post free online streams to the rest of the Iowa hoops games. F'ing Big10 network offered up a free 30 day subscription and then voided it for no reason. If you offer it, you better honor it. Anything streaming can be pirated with ease.

Hope you can do it, I was impressed with various sites showing NFL and College games that I didn't think would be online. But none of those sites had tonite's game. You saved the day! :)
If available I will try and post free online streams to the rest of the Iowa hoops games. F'ing Big10 network offered up a free 30 day subscription and then voided it for no reason. If you offer it, you better honor it. Anything streaming can be pirated with ease.

we really appreciate it
12,897 was the paid attendance tonight. I'm sure there were fewer at the game, but that's the highest paid attendance for a season opener in 10 years.
the game is at 7:05 tip off tonight Nov 14th, i am hoping the carry it again as it is a non TV game. otherwise i do have my Radio ready to go;
9 hrs 15 minutes til game time