Free Men's and Women's Basketball Posters


Well-Known Member
I encourage everyone to go to Carver Hawkeye Arena and pick one up for free. I think as hawk fans we can do our part by hanging the posters in our businesses or giving them to your local bar or restaurant not to mention the man cave.

How many people out there get out of Iowa and see the Tigerhawk on a shirt, hat, or coat. That to me brings exposure and it is very fun and exciting to see. I walked past a guy in the Denver Airport a couple weeks ago, he had a Tigerhawk sweatshirt on, we didn't speak other than I said, "Go Hawks" and he said "GO Hawks", it felt to me like the Roll Tide commercial.

My point is the more exposure for our programs the better. That is why it is important for each and everyone of our programs to be the best they can be, and I think Gary and administration are striving for that. Also my hope is a kid that may be from somewhere else gets one and hangs it in there room, future Hawkeye perhaps.

Get a free one if you can but if you can't here is another option.

Thanks and GO HAWKS!
If I had $1 for every "Go Hawks!" I've received and returned in Chicago the last 4 years...

Lot of Chi-Town Hawks!
We are everywhere....same here in Denver standing outside Coors Field a few years ago....awesome.....
Yeah--Hawkeyes are everywhere.

Case in point: I walked past a guy in the airport in Denver a few weeks ago while I was wearing my Tigerhawk sweatshirt. We didn't speak other than he said to me, "Go Hawks" and I said "Go Hawks".

It was pretty cool.