Franco Harris Fired over Paterno Support

Franco Harris fired by Meadows for his support of Joe Paterno

Another example of how toxic Penn State is, and will be.

Also, Paterno statue is coming down over Thanksgiving per PSU professors telling that to students (via Gregg Doyel's twitter post)

So, they don't have the guts to take it down NOW? If taking it down is the "right" thing, waiting until a school break seems to indicate that they don't have the conviction necessary to do the "right" thing, only the "right thing at the right time".

As to Franco, it his right to speak up. It is his employer's right to run their company as they see it best serves the company.
No, they don't have the guts to take it down now. They know students will go around acting stupid and people will go pray on Paternos lawn, having a candlelight vigil mourning their fallen icon.