Fran with pizza invite to Dolph

What's dumber?
TK believing Fran was somehow involved in the decision process to suspend Dolph or PC spreading a rumor about Locure (a 17 year old African-American kid) kicking a player in the chest even after the ridiculous story was shown to be false?
What's dumber?
TK believing Fran was somehow involved in the decision process to suspend Dolph or PC spreading a rumor about Locure (a 17 year old African-American kid) kicking a player in the chest even after the ridiculous story was shown to be false?

Lol at bringing the kid's race into it. But yes I did spread it (mostly just to mess with you). But it did happen. My friend saw it happen right in front of him. To you it's a rumor because you don't know me or my friend. But I do know him so to me it's a fact.

And by "mostly to mess with you" I mean completely to mess with you.
TK was playing mostly off the Barta angle, saying that Barta publicly announced Dolph/Fran friction, which Barta did.

I think those issues were in the past and Dolph and Fran have long since moved past them, but Barta being the smooth public speaker that he is.....?

I know why TK said it. And on the surface it seemed like a legit possibility. But it took me 15 seconds of critical thinking to punch more holes in that theory than swiss cheese. Its embarrassing that TK couldn't do it himself, let alone grasp it after someone else did if for him.
I know why TK said it. And on the surface it seemed like a legit possibility. But it took me 15 seconds of critical thinking to punch more holes in that theory than swiss cheese. Its embarrassing that TK couldn't do it himself, let alone grasp it after someone else did if for him.
You've never punched anything in your life, tubby!
This theory of Fran going out of his way to railroad Dolph is looking dumber and dumber. TK kept using the word naive to describe anyone who called out how dumb it was. Here's a hint for people who like conspiracy theories. Ask yourself 2 questions before you make yourself look dumb. The first one is "does the story make perfect sense without the theory in it". The second is "does the theory itself make any sense at all". If the answers are yes and no to those questions, assume there is no conspiracy.

"going out of his way"

Sounds like an even handed analysis
Not going to lie. I was starting to buy in that this was a way to push Dolph out the door. At the end-of-the day it was just another PR blunder by the Univ. of Iowa. Normally, I am not a conspiracy guy, but I thought this was deeper than the King Kong comments. And 9 years later we found out it really wasn't.
If he actually liked him he’d get Airliner pizza. Feud Confirmed

So I was listening to NPR last week and one of the hundreds of Democratic presidential candidates was there doing the old bullshit glad-handing routine and the NPR reporter interviews some rando student...and this is the great part...said rando student, realizing her name had been stated, said she was there eating pizza and having "bible study."


Well played, rando student. Well played indeed.

Naive snowballed NPR reporter totally bought it.
Not going to lie. I was starting to buy in that this was a way to push Dolph out the door. At the end-of-the day it was just another PR blunder by the Univ. of Iowa. Normally, I am not a conspiracy guy, but I thought this was deeper than the King Kong comments. And 9 years later we found out it really wasn't.

I always knew it was bullshit b/c Dolph and Kurt are tight, and Dolph's going nowhere without Kurt signing off on it.

Barta may have the title of Athletic Director, but Kurt owns that athletic department, and everybody knows it.

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