Fran, stop the bleeding...

I want him to hire who he feels is the best for the job without taking any recruits into account. I'd love to keep Brust and Larson but would rather assemble a top notch staff that can build for the long term.

Makes no sense to keep an assistant just for the sake of keeping a few recruits who may or may not fit into the new coach's system.

NO WAY...get your guys Fran.

I have no problem losing players from a program that compiled the worst three-year record ever and bidding adieu to lightly-regarded recruits who had committed to the staff responsible for it.

Let the rebuilding begin.

I would agree with that. I just think bringing Pierce's name up was a mistake. As he didn't fit that criteria.

I think the "risky" recruits have to be evaluated on a case by case basis. If you automatically dismiss a kid without analyzing the entire situation, you could miss out on some good kids who were just in bad situations earlier but have turned things around.

I guess I misjudged how Pierce was regarded coming into his stint here. But to be fair, I was just 10 years old at the time. But, the program definitely cannot afford another situation like Pierce's at this juncture. It's just not in position to take any kind of major PR hit like that.
On the subject of taking chances on kids of questionable charactor.....

The Pierre Pierce thing took an enormous toll on this program and we are still feeling it today. When Pierce came here, there were no questions about his charactor, he was a good solid recruit and there were no warning signs. I have no problem with him being granted a schollorship to play here.

When Pierce came back....,we took a chance we should not have and it cost us dearly.

Kirk Ferentz did not take simular chanes with the City Boyz INC. He swiftly punished everyone who gave his team a black eye in a mannor that seemed pretty consistent with their crimes. His program was nearly flushed because of charactor issues. Who remembers the pain, embarrasment and uncertaintly of those 18 or so months?

Look things are going to happen. Good kids are going to come in here and make mistakes and get into trouble and there is no way we can identify every possible issue. But to think that charactor issues from the past shouldnt be looked at long and hard and even be cause to pass on some great talent is silly.

Ignoring history is one of the dumbest things you can do in life.
Speaking of bleeding...anyone hear talk that Gatens is considering a transfer?

It doesn't surprise me cuz I'm not sure he fits in Fran's style very well as he is not the get up and down the court kind of player.
Speaking of bleeding...anyone hear talk that Gatens is considering a transfer?

It doesn't surprise me cuz I'm not sure he fits in Fran's style very well as he is not the get up and down the court kind of player.

If true, I think this could help clear the air a bit and give the new staff a fresh start.