Fran needs to close strongly


Active Member
It appears the names we have heard over the last few months that Fran has targeted are: Stokes, Guerrero, Carter, Olaseni, and Katenda.

I feel he needs to get at least one of those guys as so much emphasis has been paid to those guys. He has to show the ability to close the deal. If he gets 2 of those that shows a lot.

If he needs to go to a secondary plan then it will be disappointing, not so much that the players may not be good, but that they were not the staff's first tier.

My ideal choice is a big who can either rebound strongly and/or be a defensive presence in the middle by blocking shots. I really feel Basabe needs help on the boards as our wings do not rebound effectively and do not feel that any current or future Hawk has those traits.

The only guys not on the list above who I feel may be just as good as those guys above would be JC players, Pierre Jackson from CSI, Hubbard(baggage) and God's Gift.

If he does go to second plan with guys like Washpun, Glover, Hubbard, I hope that they have strong impact.

I will say I personally saw Washpun play up here in Mpls and came away very impressed. Not a strong shooter, but could get in the lane and score effectively from 10-12 ft. Very long for his size and athletic. What I like most is that he competes at all times. I think that will carry him far. He guarded a 6'8" D1 player Jake White and really battled him. I do not see that defensive competiveness from many high school players.

Hope to hear good news soon on the recruiting front. My ideal choice would be Carter, strong combo guard from good prep school, and God's Gift, who has put up strong rebounding numbers in JC.
I've not seen Washpun play at all, but from what you describe, he sounds similar to Cartwright. Wouldn't be a bad get, and I'd hope that he'd consider walking on in the event that we sign Carter (seems unlikely).
Those are the guys that we have put so much emphasis on. Fran obviously is interested in them but he has his own game plan and we may end up with someone you haven't even heard of yet. That doesn't mean it will be a fall back plan, its just that unlike Lick, he plays it close to the vest.
I will continue to trust Fran. Last spring I was all hopped up on Anthony Salter...he visited, misbehaved, and went to Hawaii..and then transferred at the semester.
Meanwhile,Fran brought in this other guy I had never heard of,Bryce Cartwright,and I was unimpressed...and Bryce turned out to be just fine.

I agree with your premise, ie.that the guys you target are the preferred ''gets'',but will not get too discouraged until I see whoever he does get,perform on the court,at least in Prime Time.
I will continue to trust Fran. Last spring I was all hopped up on Anthony Salter...he visited, misbehaved, and went to Hawaii..and then transferred at the semester.
Meanwhile,Fran brought in this other guy I had never heard of,Bryce Cartwright,and I was unimpressed...and Bryce turned out to be just fine.

I agree with your premise, ie.that the guys you target are the preferred ''gets'',but will not get too discouraged until I see whoever he does get,perform on the court,at least in Prime Time.
I agree completely. All the recruit talk is interesting, but i wonder about all the people who claim this guy is better than that guy and who we really need is this other guy. You really know next to nothing about any of these recruits unless you happen to live in their hometown and go to their games regularly. Youtube doesn't mention the guys GPA, or criminal record, or work ethic, etc. all those things matter.
I trust FM. Especially after seeing BC and MB this season.
I am with you. The players that Fran has gotten in the past and last year definitely gives hope that he can identify talent.

I just would like to see him get the guys that he targets first because he does seem to have that skill set.
I would love to get Hubbard. He scares people off because of his past only if they don't really investigate him. Fran has. He would shore up scoring, rebounding, and ball-handling weaknesses in one recruit. Plus, his maturity would fit in well with the young team. Next, Jackson, Glover, or Olaseni. The others mentioned thus far in this thread aren't going to happen.

Without a doubt FMs first choices would be preferred, you coulda say that about every coach in the NCAA. When you look at who he actually lands it seems we are bringing in a higher caliber the TLs 'first choices'. Things are on the upswing in IC.
I think Hubbard would help us immediately, perhaps more than anyone. We don't have a 2 or a 3 on the roster who can penetrate or can play defense on a dynamic wing player.

I'd also argue that some of these other players are more likely to have issues once on campus than Hubbard.
I think Hubbard would help us immediately, perhaps more than anyone. We don't have a 2 or a 3 on the roster who can penetrate or can play defense on a dynamic wing player.

I'd also argue that some of these other players are more likely to have issues once on campus than Hubbard.

1. Have you ever even watched Hubbard play. People keep talking about his game, yet nobody has seen him play, not even video.

2. That's just silly. Why would a felon who had charges brought against him and dropped this year, be less likely to get in trouble?
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1. Have you ever even watched Hubbard play. People keep talking about his game, yet nobody has seen him play, not even video.

2. That's just silly. Why would a felon who had charges brought against him and dropped this year, be less likely to get in trouble?
As for point #2, I think he may be referring to the idea that Hubbard would know he is in a fish bowl @ UI and being watched very closely.
I've not seen Washpun play at all, but from what you describe, he sounds similar to Cartwright. Wouldn't be a bad get, and I'd hope that he'd consider walking on in the event that we sign Carter (seems unlikely).

Nothing against Washpun, but if the best we can do are two kids from CR Wash, we are in trouble. If he wants to come as a walk on great, but this is like Kaylon Williams II IMO. Far too much hype for all this in state talent. They simply don't play against the same level of competition. Basabe and Cartwright would have dominated high school ball had they played in Iowa instead of NY and CA.
Is the spring signing period April 13 through May 18? If so, there's not a lot of time to secure commitments and very little time for plan B.
It is hard to get a quality player to play somewhere far from home when the team is not very good. We have to play above our heads next year to get some interest from these kids
1. Have you ever even watched Hubbard play. People keep talking about his game, yet nobody has seen him play, not even video.

2. That's just silly. Why would a felon who had charges brought against him and dropped this year, be less likely to get in trouble?

1) Fran has seen him play and thought enough of him to offer. That's good enough for me. If it's not good enough for you, maybe you should root for another team.
I am extrapolating his versatility from quotes and his stats:

2) With his history, do you really think that charges would have been dropped if true or that Fran would have offered? That said, have you read the articles about him or are you just going by the headlines? He's 25yo and isn't a hothead 20yo like Fred goes after. He's likely to be a mature influence on younger players.

1) Fran has seen him play and thought enough of him to offer. That's good enough for me. If it's not good enough for you, maybe you should root for another team.
I am extrapolating his versatility from quotes and his stats:

2) With his history, do you really think that charges would have been dropped if true or that Fran would have offered? That said, have you read the articles about him or are you just going by the headlines? He's 25yo and isn't a hothead 20yo like Fred goes after. He's likely to be a mature influence on younger players.


We need help, period. Anyone that thinks we are going to be better next year just because freshman will sophs is not being honest about the talent deficit we face. We aren't going to win head-to-head recruiting battles with teams that have been more successful in recent years (which is almost every team out there). McCaffrey is a smart guy and isn't going to bring a troublemaker in here, but he has to take chances on kids that are willing to take a chance on him. Hubbard could be one of those kids that will really embrace the opportunity afforded to him and be the on and off the court leader we are lacking. I am not trying to build him up and he may not even be interested in coming here, but we need to catch lightning in a bottle with a kid or two.
We need help, period. Anyone that thinks we are going to be better next year just because freshman will sophs is not being honest about the talent deficit we face... Hubbard could be one of those kids that will really embrace the opportunity afforded to him and be the on and off the court leader we are lacking. I am not trying to build him up and he may not even be interested in coming here, but we need to catch lightning in a bottle with a kid or two.

We will improve some by just having more than 1 PG. However, to make any strides forward, we need another scorer and rebounder and ball-handler that can put pressure on a defense. Hence, I keep mentioning Hubbard- all-in-one for us in particular because he wouldn't interfere with the PT of our best returning players: Basabe, Gatens, Cartwright.

We need to become incredibly more athletic than what we currently have on the team.
Wes's AAU coach posts on Kakert's site, but its difficult to tell the current position of his recruiting. Is he becoming more hyped b/c more of us have personally seen him OR is it b/c there are fewer PG's uncomitted and he is over valued?
It is hard to get a quality player to play somewhere far from home when the team is not very good. We have to play above our heads next year to get some interest from these kids

Right now, it is hard for Iowa to get difference making recruits 30 miles from campus (Marcus Paige).

Hope Coach McCaffery is able to change that - he needs a difference maker to get the ball rolling.

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