Forde and Dodd stick to their story...

From reading Rob's story...

during the media Q&A session, Ferentz opened things up for questions after giving his opening statement. At a minimum, 20 seconds went by before any media member raised their hands to call for the microphone to ask a question. It might have been longer. It was long enough for the moderator to restate his request for questions…and long enough where it felt a bit awkward. Point being, there was plenty of time, and an unfettered opportunity, for either Dodd or Forde to raise their hand, call for the mic, and ask the man a question related to Rhabdo, something neither did in January when they were attacking Ferentz’s character from hundreds, if not thousands of miles away. Predictably, that didn’t happen. I have a notion to just sit at Ferentz’s interview table tomorrow morning for the duration, just to see if Dodd or Forde shows up.

it seems that Dodd and Forde's beef is really with the way Iowa handled the PR right after the incident. That has been a criticism of all Iowa fans from Day 1. The press conference where they put the Director of Football Operations (no Ferentz and no Barta) was a disaster. To Forde's point, Ferentz DID stand up and say this was his program, he answered all questions when he finally had his press conference a couple of days later. And Dodd is wondering why there wasn't more of a reaction from players and parents. Well, how about doing some reporting? Many of the names (Poggi, Prater, Lowe, etc.) are already out there, either through reporting by other outlets or through the review Iowa did. Nothing stops anyone from contacting any of them. Perhaps the reason players/parents haven't said anything is because they've been happy with the level of reaction from Iowa following the incident. Dodd was dropping hints of mass transfers, etc., which never happened.

I would imagine that Doyle might be asked about it during Iowa media day, or maybe not. At this point, I'm not sure what there is to add to the story.
I've message Dodd several times about the false accusations he made. I doubt he will man up ever. Mass transfers, ya know?

he wont

i do wish Howe would have approached that article differently. he certainly has no problem taking shots at people on twitter, but when he actually has a chance to prove a point he lobbed them some softballs and avoided controversy.
If this were the case, wouldn't a confrontation with the coach create much more controversy and scandal?

I think the reason the media dropped this story (as opposed to if it were OSU or USC) is because, sorry to say it, it's Iowa and no one cares. I mean come on, the Big 10 media had an awkward pause because they didn't have anything to ask the Iowa coach. Iowa isn't a story anywhere across the rivers.

And yet you still hang around here.
Its important to recognize that in this case, it appears that Howe went out and looked for Forde and Dodd so he could get quotes for his story. They didn't have to say anything to him, I'll give you that, but it isn't like they were going out and looking to ask questions about the Rhabdo story anymore. It appears to me (and I know that I'm in the minority here) that unless someone brings it up to them, these two are as much over the story as anyone else is.
I think it's hilarious that this story died the way it did. But its definitely a stunning defeat for members of the media who think that how coaches/athletes interact with the media is news. Sorry, media, but you're not the news. You just report the news.
Here's what Jon should have done. Jon should have raised his hand to ask a ? then mosey up to the mic.

Jon - "I just had a question & was just wondering why Dennis Dodd or Pat Forde does not take this opportunity to ask Kirk Ferentz a question about the rhabdo situation in Iowa City? They seem to be able to question & take shots 250 miles away on their keyboard but with Ferentz in the same vicinity, they can't seem to have the spine to ask point-blank. That's all. And by the way, I had some awesome thin-crust pizza last night"

Not only was there an awkward silence before anyone could be prompted to ask a question, my recollection is that Ferentz's session at the mic ended a minute or two early when there were no more questions.

Forde and Dodd are a couple of Cowherds.
If you aren't willing to talk face to face to somebody and challenge somebody on their behavior face to face that makes you a coward. If they have as much outrage as they seem to in the quotes from Rob Howe, have the guts to say something at media day otherwise just shut up about it. Pathetic.
As far as the whole Kirk coming back a day earlier or whatever thing it reminds me a lot of when Bush was criticized for the flyover of katrina, and he was criticized for not leaving the school right away on 911, and how obama was criticized for being on a trip and not cancelling right away when (i forgot which tragedy went along with this example) he was faced with some stuff. Just a whole bunch of people trumpeting and killing a guy whose situation they know about 5% of the facts on. We have no idea whether he was coordinating things, how many phone calls he made to parents, when he found out, and honestly none of it matters cause the kids got hurt, they got medical attention, and they're still recovering as part of the process. Honestly if the parents don't think the coaches were negligent you have to think one of two things:
1. They know more than we do and the coaches handled it to their satisfaction
2. they're horrible parents who only care about the kids football careers.

sorry i don't know anybody well enough to make judgment two there. So if you're not gonna challenge the coach in person shut your trap, end of story. just shows how classless they are and why nobody should pay attention to them. Maybe the other media outlets didn't run with the story any further, cause well............., the story was done.
Its funny how these guys answered. What they're really thinking, is that there's still a story in there somewhere, but not anything any cares about or will read.

That's the real answer. They were more ticked about the PR side not giving them enough dirt to shovel the story into a bigger national scandal, and dropped it totally due to the fact that the readership wasn't there (hits, ratings) to justify continuing to follow the story. That's why there no follow up now, and why they aren't making one. The story from a corporate media ratings perspective is not a money maker.
If this were the case, wouldn't a confrontation with the coach create much more controversy and scandal?

I think the reason the media dropped this story (as opposed to if it were OSU or USC) is because, sorry to say it, it's Iowa and no one cares. I mean come on, the Big 10 media had an awkward pause because they didn't have anything to ask the Iowa coach. Iowa isn't a story anywhere across the rivers.

If that were the reason, then why write another article about Rhabdogate to begin with?

The fact they wrote yet another article on that subject without even asking KF about it at B1G media days actually backs up my point.
If that were the reason, then why write another article about Rhabdogate to begin with?

The fact they wrote yet another article on that subject without even asking KF about it at B1G media days actually backs up my point.

Link to "another article"? Rob Howe went looking for them and they commented for his article. To my knowledge, Dodd and Forde haven't written on this topic in several months.
Dodd is on record as saying that the Big-12...or depending how you look at it, the "Little-10", is the best conference in the country. Dude will run with any story that makes any other conference, particularly the BIG-10, look bad. Dodd=*********.
It's kinda funny Iowa fans heckled that ***** on his phone. I would never do something like that and honestly find it kinda pathetic, but screw those cowards. They actually would have gained my respect had they stepped up and called Ferentz out in regards to their opinions. However, they both proved themselves to be spineless camel toes. Please continue to write garbage articles just to spike traffic to the site and then hide behind your shadow when you actually have a chance to be a man about it. Just don't expect to gain anyone's respect.
Usually I just let this stuff pass as it eventually goes away, but I find it funny how they didn't talk to Ferentz. In their original story they wanted to dig further into this situation and both of them said they wanted to try and find out more info and they both finally get the chance to talk face to face with Ferentz himself and both just sort of forgot, didn't get a chance, or whatever excuse they make up.

I am assuming somebody is going to bring this up to them on twitter or something and I can't wait to see how they respond, especially Dodd who seems to want to keep the story alive still.
Usually I just let this stuff pass as it eventually goes away, but I find it funny how they didn't talk to Ferentz. In their original story they wanted to dig further into this situation and both of them said they wanted to try and find out more info and they both finally get the chance to talk face to face with Ferentz himself and both just sort of forgot, didn't get a chance, or whatever excuse they make up.

I am assuming somebody is going to bring this up to them on twitter or something and I can't wait to see how they respond, especially Dodd who seems to want to keep the story alive still.

What has Dodd written about this recently?
It's easy to sit at a keyboard or in front of the camera or behind a radio microphone and spout off ... Not so easy when you are face-to-face with the person you are so harshly criticizing. Simply put: Kirk Ferentz is as classy as they come. He runs a clean program. (Yes, realizing we have had players who have done astray; but a coach can only do so much hand holding). He does things the right way. Some national pundits went way overboard in trying to bring and the Iowa program down. Was this a newsworthy story? Yes. Should it have continued on and on and on ... No ...

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