For those interested in Conference Realignment


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Greg Swaim – Conference Realignment on the Front Burner

"The Big 12 should be naming a new commissioner in the next month or so, and it may not take long for them to make a formal bid to no less than two schools, and possibly as many as four. The smart money is on BYU, Louisville, Clemson and Florida State, and likely in that order, but there could be others, and depending on how aggressive the new commish is, don’t be surprised if Notre Dame gets a call as well, even though they’re smack in the middle of Big Ten territory."
If ND thinks they're too good for the Big Ten (note: that's what they think), I can't imagine them even picking up the phone for the Big 12.
If Swain has good info the Big 12 football divisions would be interesting. If geography was used the east would be FSU, Clemson, Louisville, WV, ISU, and probably the two Kansas schools. The west would be TX, TTU, TCU, Baylor, OK, OkSt, and BYU. I don't know how the Big 12 would work a schedule around 14 teams, whether they would play 8, 9, or 10 conference games. I'm not sure ISU or the KS schools would go for this.
If Swain has good info the Big 12 football divisions would be interesting. If geography was used the east would be FSU, Clemson, Louisville, WV, ISU, and probably the two Kansas schools. The west would be TX, TTU, TCU, Baylor, OK, OkSt, and BYU. I don't know how the Big 12 would work a schedule around 14 teams, whether they would play 8, 9, or 10 conference games. I'm not sure ISU or the KS schools would go for this.

I want this to happen but its probably a pipe dream. Besides Greg Swain is a moron so whatever he says will probably not happen.
If Swain has good info the Big 12 football divisions would be interesting. If geography was used the east would be FSU, Clemson, Louisville, WV, ISU, and probably the two Kansas schools. The west would be TX, TTU, TCU, Baylor, OK, OkSt, and BYU. I don't know how the Big 12 would work a schedule around 14 teams, whether they would play 8, 9, or 10 conference games. I'm not sure ISU or the KS schools would go for this.

You say that like they have a choice in the matter. If TX wants to expand, the Big12 will expand. If TX wants to play 10 conf games, they'll play 10 conf games. Case closed. :)
The BE decided to go to a BBall first conference. Louisville, Cinci, So Fla/C Fla, Boise, SMU were brought in to try to bolster football, but... The issue will be if any of those schools end up being attractive enough for the Big 4.

The whole B12 thing comes down to who wins - the ACC or B12?

I hear the SEC is now interested in NCState and possibly another ACC school to get to 16. While that would still leave the ACC with 12 teams, they want to get to 16 to be able to have 2 rounds of in-conference playoffs.

But, if a conference like the B12 wants to make a run at being one of the B4, they will need to pick off the ACC to do it.
Speaking of that I wonder why UNLV and New Mexico are not brought up more.

Because they suck at football and their facilities are god awful.

I hope they get BYU and Louisville. I'd be thrilled to have both from a basketball standpoint and they are interesting at the very least from a football standpoint. Plus there are good t-shirt opportunities for a Louisville/ISU matchup since we have the same mascot.
No way BYU joins a conference unless they are a last piece in a Superconference puzzle.

But they are definitely not getting into the ACC B12 battle until it is decided.

Louisville is an interesting case. They had a little run in football like Rutgers did, but have fallen back to Tulsa / Cinci status. Just don't know if they have what it would take to be Big 4.
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Why wouldn't they join a conference, least of all the Big 12? They get to get the TV money, a conference to ease scheduling games, and they get to still use their existing network for their tier 3 rights. Perfect setup for them.
Speaking of that I wonder why UNLV and New Mexico are not brought up more.
Because they suck at football and their facilities are god awful. I hope they get BYU and Louisville. I'd be thrilled to have both from a basketball standpoint and they are interesting at the very least from a football standpoint. Plus there are good t-shirt opportunities for a Louisville/ISU matchup since we have the same mascot.
Louisville has a tornado mascot too?
Why wouldn't they join a conference, least of all the Big 12? They get to get the TV money, a conference to ease scheduling games, and they get to still use their existing network for their tier 3 rights. Perfect setup for them.

Because they are ND light. They have a committed national audience and can guarantee attendance in the right areas. They are just one of those programs that can do better being independent, which is why they decided to go in that direction.

Now, when the superconferences start to get finalized (with the Big 12/ACC issue being a key component) then schools like ND and BYU will have to decide if they want to try their luck at getting in the final top four in the polls over schools that would have gone through 2 rounds of Big Four playoffs.

As far as the FSU and Clemson thing goes, I have heard that the SEC wants FSU and NCSTATE. I don't understand the FSU thing, just like I wouldn't be able to understand the Clemson thing. NCSTATE gets the SEC into NCar. They are already in Florida and SCar. But it might just be that they just need another school to go with NCSTATE and are looking at regional options.
BYU was in a conference 2 years ago. They obviously aren't opposed to the notion. It would be a matter of the money being good enough. They certainly don't get ND money for their games.
Because they are ND light. They have a committed national audience and can guarantee attendance in the right areas. They are just one of those programs that can do better being independent, which is why they decided to go in that direction.

Now, when the superconferences start to get finalized (with the Big 12/ACC issue being a key component) then schools like ND and BYU will have to decide if they want to try their luck at getting in the final top four in the polls over schools that would have gone through 2 rounds of Big Four playoffs.

As far as the FSU and Clemson thing goes, I have heard that the SEC wants FSU and NCSTATE. I don't understand the FSU thing, just like I wouldn't be able to understand the Clemson thing. NCSTATE gets the SEC into NCar. They are already in Florida and SCar. But it might just be that they just need another school to go with NCSTATE and are looking at regional options.
Huh? They been independent for 1 year. ND has been independent for 121 years.
CarHawk- actually I think the SEC wants schools in states that are not in their current footprint for tv viewers for a network which actually rules out FSU, Clemson, Ga. Tech. I have heard mostly Va. Tech and NC St.(because they don't think NC would leave).

I think the Big 12 should have a decent chance at getting some ACC schools. Its all about $$$$ and the Big 12 has a much better contract than the ACC. There are also rumors the new final four for college football playoffs could be in the 300-400 million range and conferences that don't make it might only share an equal cut of 25%. The Big 12 is likely to have a team in it most years but there are a lot of years the ACC could be left out, this adds a lot too.

If the Big 12 pulls FSU and some mid Atlantic/southern teams such as Maryland, Ga. Tech, Clemson they have greatly improved their tv audience. They also will have a major presence in two of the most football crazed states, Texas and Florida(I think they should take Miami to have an increased presence in Florida). The Big 12 would be a great league. They may even want to consider Rutgers with those schools.

I still think the Big 10 is a good fit for ND, but if ND really wants to consider itself a "national" school and if that becomes ND's biggest deciding factor in a conference the Big 12 would be able to make a great pitch to them to join with the states of Texas and Florida covered for recruiting, and then add in states like Georgia, Maryland, So. Carolina and maybe an Eastern Coast state or two if they looked at (Rutgers or Pitt) they have a national feel that the Big 10 doesn't have now.
Big 12 will end up with 2 more teams. I think Louisville is a shoe in. And Clemson is throwing their name out there. Several reports state they have already met the Big 12. Our new tv contract with ESPN is going to lure some big name schools as their will be more money added to the pot if two more teams are added. The Big 12's deal at 10 teams will be worth more than the ACC deal at 14 teams, even after the ACC deal is over. Thats without the added two teams.

Big 12 negotiating media rights deal worth at least $2.6 billion - NCAA Football - News, Scores, Stats, Schedule and BCS Rankings