For all who think we were exposed...

To think that the Arizona game is a replica of what we will see in the future becuase we were exposed in our O-line or special teams or stanzi is back to his old ways, you are crazy.

-Our O-line did not play well. They had trouble with some of the blitz pick ups. The group as a whole is too good to look like that again. This is something Iowa had not seen yet this year and even for much of the game there was not a ton of schemes like that in the last series on offense. They will be fine and if teams attack in that way again I am willing to bet that it will be handled a whole lot better.

-Our Special teams will not get out-played like that again. This is simple. It has been one of Ferentz's strong points throughout the years even when they were losing. Kick-off team got a wake up call it needed. They will be fine.

-Stanzi is Stanzi. No other team in the country feels as nervous as we do when our quarterback goes back for a pass. This may be why we love him though. With great risk comes great reward and Ricky has done this to us time and time again. He may be relied on more and even though he makes me nervous....I stil trust him 100 % to win football games, which based on his accomplishments, you should too.

Everything will be fine. Your fears are not justified and lets remember that this was just one NON CONFERENCE game. I still smell roses....and they smell glorious!
You weren't exposed, you just messed up too much is all. Exposed is when there is a game plan to take out your weakness. Iowa is one of those teams that is straight forward. They do what they do and they do it well. There aren't tricks, they just execute what they do better than the other team the majority of the time. I don't think anything was exposed. It's not like they dominated the game. They got luck and made a couple plays but for the most part they were not dominant.
the only thing that was exposed was our special teams...
yeah the oline looked bad, but they've been good so far.
running backs sucked but see the oline for that.

i dont believe we were exposed really
the only thing that was exposed was our special teams...
yeah the oline looked bad, but they've been good so far.
running backs sucked but see the oline for that.

i dont believe we were exposed really

exactly...f'ing up & making yourself look better than you really are are 2 different things.

We just f'd up the coverages on both plays, plain and simple. time to move on!
You are correct. The only thing exposed about Iowa was that despite giving away 21 points, they still had a chance to win midway through the 4th quarter.

But speaking of exposed, how about Wisconsin? Playing at home against Arizona State, the Badgers had similar kick and punt coverage problems experienced by Iowa in Tucson. In fact, Bielema got away with a bone-headed decision just before the half. Instead of ordering a squib, he kicked deep. The ASU returner took it down the sidelines for 95 yards but was dragged down inside the Wisconsin 1 as time expired. ASU had already returned one kick for a TD.

Had they gotten that one at the end of the half, the Badgers would have lost. They were very, very fortunate to come out with that 20-19 win. You can be sure Wisconsin has plenty of holes that the Hawkeyes can take advantage of.
It is hard to say anything was exposed because it was a freak game with freak plays from the beginning. It was waaaay out of the norm and "Iowa" football was never able to be played from the start. A few adjustments need to be made and this coaching staff has proven in the past that it will be done. GO HAWKS!
The o-line was not exposed and is unfairly getting the blame for all the sacks and pressure. A Rob's in ability to pick up the correct blitzer or block in general is what was exposed. He looked lost in the 4th. Just flat out missing the blitz up the middle or going high on a blitzer and getting he and his QB smoked. He needs help with blitz pickups. I hope Jewel can show him how to knock someone on their arse before the big ten season gets here.
You weren't exposed, you just messed up too much is all. Exposed is when there is a game plan to take out your weakness. Iowa is one of those teams that is straight forward. They do what they do and they do it well. There aren't tricks, they just execute what they do better than the other team the majority of the time. I don't think anything was exposed. It's not like they dominated the game. They got luck and made a couple plays but for the most part they were not dominant.

3 sacks in 4 plays=exposed..
Inability to open run game=exposed
Forcing Iowa to abandon run and revamp their offense on-the-fly=exposed

You cannot sit there and try and prove that it was just a "bad game" at this point, for the O-line. The proof is in the pudding.

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