For $4,000,000 per year, who wants to coach Iowa


Well-Known Member
I think it is question that needs to be raised immediately.

How many takers could we get for that price? My guess is there would be a substantial amount of interest. Heck, let's offer the bargain basement price of only 2 million and see who we can get.

Maybe Urban Meyer jumps at $4 million.

We need a proven national recruiter to come in and get some playmakers. We need to make god father offers to some big names until we get one.
I am willing - and able - to coach Iowa to losses against Minnesota for just $1.5 million.
Ferentz just needs pressure to not be so damned conservative. when he is aggressive Iowa does well. the problem is not ferentz and it is not offense or okeefe the problem is and has always been norm parker. yes, parker called/prepared a great game against ga tech, but he one month to prepare the option, anyone can defend the option in one month. give ferentz and the young talent they have time to develop & get experience. you have to lose before you can win. however, all 3 losses this year and the next 3-4 loses are because of norm parkers defense. although, urban meyer is very intriguing.
It's clueless to blame today's loss on the defense. No, they aren't good this year, but they aren't the reason for today's loss.
I don't see the next coach at iowa getting that much money. It seems like we always go out and get an unknown person/diamond in the rough type of coach. When you look at recent basketball coaching searches we as fans always throw out big names and say we can pay them huge amounts, but in the end we get an unknown or up and comer and then if they have success they gradually work their salary up. That's what ferentz did.
Watching Iowa play football the last part of last year and all this year is about as exciting and palpable as watching the Lickliter bb era.

Time for Norm to retire or be fired. Unfortunately, KF has a lifetime contract and Iowa will never be able to get rid of him. Hopefully, he just bows out politely and goes to the pros.

Time for KF to assess his staff and his own job performance.

There is absolutely no reason Iowa lost to a hapless Minnesota embarrassment beyond measure. If KF and his staff cannot get the players fired up to play or they themselves can't get ready to coach a football team then they just need to leave.

To play as frightened and as scared as these coaches did today is unforgiveable.

Last week was the last win that this team will have this year and even playing as badly as the Hawks did today and getting outcoached beyond measure, this coaching staff will change NOTHING....absolutely NOTHING.

i am 62 years old and have been listening to or watching Iowa football for more than 50 years and I have never seen such a shambles of coaching as I saw today.

This staff should hold a press conference and apologize to the fans of Iowa for their performance today and for being incompetent in their jobs.
Give up on this obsession with salary already.

If you're unhappy with the coach, that's fair. But unless you can see yourself arguing the opposite position one day, it's a pointless comment to make.

And by opposite position I mean:

"I'm not too upset about our 2021 loss to ISU because Coach Successor only makes $850,000 a year."

I don't think I've ever seen a fan of any sport argue that position before. We'd all be just as angry if a six figure coach with this team lost this game today.
I have never coached football but I would be willing to give it a try for $1 million and save the University $3 million a year. I'm sure I could go 6-4 in the last 10 games like this staff has.
Ferentz goes pro when his boy graduates, and Iowa throws 4 mil at Bielema to come in and make this school finally one that can compete for a national championship.
Id do it 50,000 a year and I can say wed have rythm on offense and wed bring pressure when we should and we would not abandon **** when it works. That I could promise everyone.
Ferentz goes pro when his boy graduates, and Iowa throws 4 mil at Bielema to come in and make this school finally one that can compete for a national championship.
There is another ...


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