Food for thought for those wanting to fire Kirk

Confirms what I have always felt...the revolving door for any program results in mediorce futility over the long haul. If you have a competent coach, you stick with him,or you get on the merry go round,unless you are a legacy winner like Michigan or OSU.

Programs tend to find their own historical level over time....Iowa is a solid program,that does not win many conference titles,and that is where we will end up,unless we fire KF...then we will be set back for years,and might not get back up to that level...a la Purdue after Tiller left.
Confirms what I have always felt...the revolving door for any program results in mediorce futility over the long haul. If you have a competent coach, you stick with him,or you get on the merry go round,unless you are a legacy winner like Michigan or OSU.

Programs tend to find their own historical level over time....Iowa is a solid program,that does not win many conference titles,and that is where we will end up,unless we fire KF...then we will be set back for years,and might not get back up to that level...a la Purdue after Tiller left.

I know it is not what many want to hear, but I tend to agree.
I'm not ready to fire the guy but he better get his $hit in order. A baboon could have run a more effective offense then what we ran this year. I think the story that GD being a 3 year guy until Brian takes over may have some merit. KF better hope it works next year or they won't have that option.

Wally Burnhum and the other Defensive coaches need to send KF a nice Christmas card for the gift they received yesterday.
I am never going to keep my resume up to date or talk to headhunters or do any networking, because what if the jobs that open up out in the world are worse and pay less than the job I have now? There is clearly NO WAY there are better jobs that pay more. Not possible.
Nope, status quo is the ONLY way to live and operate. Change is never good, always bad.
Confirms what I have always felt...the revolving door for any program results in mediorce futility over the long haul. If you have a competent coach, you stick with him,or you get on the merry go round,unless you are a legacy winner like Michigan or OSU.

Programs tend to find their own historical level over time....Iowa is a solid program,that does not win many conference titles,and that is where we will end up,unless we fire KF...then we will be set back for years,and might not get back up to that level...a la Purdue after Tiller left.

But what timeframe should we use to determine how well we've played compared to the "norm"? If you use Kirk's entire 14 body of work, then yes, he's right at the norm of Hawkeye football over the last 100 years and is right at what Hayden accomplished. However, if you look at the last 7 years of his tenure, vs the first 7 years of his tenure, it's obvious to anyone but the most ardent ostrich, that we're going in the wrong direction. And it's when you're going in the wrong direction that you have to start considering a change.

For example, Kirk's first 7 years, his B1G record is 32-20...a solid 62%....and that's including a 3-13 record in the B1G his first 2 years as he got the program going his way. His % jumps to 73% when you discount the first 2 rebuilding years. However, in the last 7 years, his record is 27-29 in the B1G....a paltry 48%. The last 3 years, it's even worse.....42%. In addition, as I mentioned in a previous thread, his first 7 years saw him go a perfect 20-0 in games against teams he was favored against by more than 10 points. In the last 7 years, he's lost 10 of those games.

There comes a time when you have to pull the plug when the trend is downward. Unfortunately, his contract is going to dictate that we are going to have to hit rock bottom before a change is made. In looking at the schedule for next year, I think the bottom will be hit next year with a record of 2-10 and winless in the B1G.
Some of you people are gutless. You think if we fire KF then hell freezes over and frogs fall from the sky. Did you think the same when Hayden left? I would rather take a chance on a new coach with new enthusiasm then to watch this donkey horror show continue for the rest of his contract.
And the "Out On A Limb" award goes to Raymond D. Sauer, chairman of the department of economics at Clemson University:

Sauer said there was “a gusher of moneyâ€￾ in the Southeastern Conference. “But it’s limited,â€￾ he added.

In his defense, he is a professor at Clemson.
But what timeframe should we use to determine how well we've played compared to the "norm"? If you use Kirk's entire 14 body of work, then yes, he's right at the norm of Hawkeye football over the last 100 years and is right at what Hayden accomplished. However, if you look at the last 7 years of his tenure, vs the first 7 years of his tenure, it's obvious to anyone but the most ardent ostrich, that we're going in the wrong direction. And it's when you're going in the wrong direction that you have to start considering a change.

For example, Kirk's first 7 years, his B1G record is 32-20...a solid 62%....and that's including a 3-13 record in the B1G his first 2 years as he got the program going his way. His % jumps to 73% when you discount the first 2 rebuilding years. However, in the last 7 years, his record is 27-29 in the B1G....a paltry 48%. The last 3 years, it's even worse.....42%. In addition, as I mentioned in a previous thread, his first 7 years saw him go a perfect 20-0 in games against teams he was favored against by more than 10 points. In the last 7 years, he's lost 10 of those games.

There comes a time when you have to pull the plug when the trend is downward. Unfortunately, his contract is going to dictate that we are going to have to hit rock bottom before a change is made. In looking at the schedule for next year, I think the bottom will be hit next year with a record of 2-10 and winless in the B1G.

Unfortunately, it's this last paragraph that scares the bejeezus out of me. If we get to "rock bottom", then good luck finding someone who really wants this job, if the program is essentially where the hoops program was when Lick was canned. If Kirk could at least hold serve at 7-5 records, the program would at least remain respectable, and I should then think it would be a much easier task of finding a replacement whenever Kirk retires or is fired. Problem is, I'm afraid we're headed for another bad year next season. It's impossible to say where the program is going to go from there.

That could also be why the revolving door doesn't usually work.. Programs in that position aren't an attractive job, one wouldn't think. So it's hard to get someone proven to come in and clean up the mess. It's probably equally hard to find an unproven coach that actually has what it takes to pull a program up out of the muck. It's got to be easier to keep a program going when it's already having some success.
Yes, that includes myself. The New York Times ran an article to day about coaches getting fired and the relationship between improved teams on the field. Wish they would have gone in depth more since I'm too lazy today to try and find the actual study.

Firing College Football Coaches, With Little Evidence It Pays Off -

This will get (a) a lot of personal insults pointed at you by the trolls or (b) most of the trolls won't read the article or (c) they wouldn't understand it if they did read it. Could even be an "all of the above." Thank you for a very interesting post.
I'm not ready to fire the guy but he better get his $hit in order. A baboon could have run a more effective offense then what we ran this year. I think the story that GD being a 3 year guy until Brian takes over may have some merit. KF better hope it works next year or they won't have that option.

Wally Burnhum and the other Defensive coaches need to send KF a nice Christmas card for the gift they received yesterday.


This will get (a) a lot of personal insults pointed at you by the trolls or (b) most of the trolls won't read the article or (c) they wouldn't understand it if they did read it. Could even be an "all of the above." Thank you for a very interesting post.

Aside from butt hurt posts like these ^ the scary part about Doc Lee is that they actually used to let him work with children.
Some of you people are gutless. You think if we fire KF then hell freezes over and frogs fall from the sky. Did you think the same when Hayden left? I would rather take a chance on a
new coach with new enthusiasm then to watch this donkey horror show continue for the rest of his contract.

We have our own example of this in basketball. People wanted Davis out because the program wasn't getting better and had grown stagnant. In comes Stevie Alford and the program didn't really change much. Then once Alford starts feeling the heat, he decides to bolt to NM and in comes Lickliter. Don't think I need to remind everybody what happened there.
like alot of you like to cherry pick
going from 2008-2011 Iowa is 35W-17L for a 67% winning percentage
that show a program having its up and downs, 2 bad years, then 3 good years, then 2 bad years then 4 good years, and now they had a really bad year
like alot of you like to cherry pick
going from 2008-2011 Iowa is 35W-17L for a 67% winning percentage
that show a program having its up and downs, 2 bad years, then 3 good years, then 2 bad years then 4 good years, and now they had a really bad year

Problem is that the optimism just isn't there like it was back then. Especially with how bad the offense looked this year with a 5th year season QB and a 30+ year coach replacing KOK. Back in '07 Iowa was a good QB away from winning another game or two heck maybe even three. Now with a brand new QB and an offensive scheme that seems completely messed up that no one who has evaluated it seems to understand what they are trying to do.

I hope KF and GD figure it out and prove me wrong, I really do but look at it this way. Most fans of Iowa don't want Iowa to just be a good team every few years, they want a continual improvement until Iowa is a top tier program and maintain that level. The trend you describe there will always be low points. The high points don't seem to be getting higher and the low points seem to be getting lower and lower each time.
like alot of you like to cherry pick
going from 2008-2011 Iowa is 35W-17L for a 67% winning percentage
that show a program having its up and downs, 2 bad years, then 3 good years, then 2 bad years then 4 good years, and now they had a really bad year

Talk about cherry picking.

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