Fleck Impresses Me

He is "opposite Kirk" for sure...

Perhaps he will be successful...

But he seems like he needs to be selling Probiotics or a hawking a "get rich following my real estate wisdom" DVD set...

Kirk perhaps a natural fit for selling reverse mortgages or long term care insurance...

Everyone is something...

Note...I wouldn't put him in the press box.
I like him and can't stand him, at the same time. He'd have to win a lot for the like him to outweigh the can't stand him over the long haul.
Fleck seems a lot more genuine then some seem to try portraying him as. I admire his story and journey he's taken to get where he is. The dude has earned what he's gotten I think and is an ADs dream I would think. A guy like that you worry about having a burnout factor to him as the years start going by but he's just got that go get it attitude most folks just don't. A lot say they do but not to the extent he does. Do I agree with his recruiting strategy with how he's offered every kid with a pulse within 500 miles of MN? Not really but I can understand the why he would do it. He's got to get the MN brand name out there as fast as possible and if that ruffles feathers he can't be worried about that. He's not breaking rules (as far as we know) so it is what it is. Beat him on the field where it counts like we just did and the rest will take care of itself. Beyond that I don't have a problem if they do well. I'd rather they do well and improve our conference then see ISU do what they are doing...
Keep in mind he's only 7 games into it. He hasn't even had two recruiting classes go thru yet. What he did at Western Michigan is impressive as they were a door mat for years.
I didn't see a problem with him. He has fire in his belly and that's what I want to see at Iowa. We seem to just be going through the motions.

That's the exact reason I like Fran, he still has that passion and shows it.
I live in the Twin Cities and Minnesota's campus is just a shit hole. There's seriously nothing nice about it. I'm sure their new football facilities will help recruiting a little bit, and their stadium is modern-ish....but other than that I have no idea why kids would want to attend that school.

If you had offers to go to Minnesota, Iowa City, Madison and Lincoln...I don't know who would choose Minnesota.
I live in the Twin Cities and Minnesota's campus is just a shit hole. There's seriously nothing nice about it. I'm sure their new football facilities will help recruiting a little bit, and their stadium is modern-ish....but other than that I have no idea why kids would want to attend that school.

If you had offers to go to Minnesota, Iowa City, Madison and Lincoln...I don't know who would choose Minnesota.

Its easy to fly in and out to visit family. The big city is appealing to some. Campus isnt that bad, just not great.

IC would sppeal to a lot of parents. It is kinda hard to access.
I live in the Twin Cities and Minnesota's campus is just a shit hole. There's seriously nothing nice about it. I'm sure their new football facilities will help recruiting a little bit, and their stadium is modern-ish....but other than that I have no idea why kids would want to attend that school.

If you had offers to go to Minnesota, Iowa City, Madison and Lincoln...I don't know who would choose Minnesota.
Yeah it's a bigger city I guess... Besides Northwestern being in Chicago it's the biggest one I think. Has some appeal to it there if college towns like Iowa City etc are too small for ya. But like you said between that and lack of recent success in anything they have going they aren't able to real in stud recruits. It'd take quite the program facelift to do it. Nothings impossible but that'd be a heck of a job to pull off.
Yeah it's a bigger city I guess... Besides Northwestern being in Chicago it's the biggest one I think. Has some appeal to it there if college towns like Iowa City etc are too small for ya. But like you said between that and lack of recent success in anything they have going they aren't able to real in stud recruits. It'd take quite the program facelift to do it. Nothings impossible but that'd be a heck of a job to pull off.

Wouldn't it be a...FLECK....of a job to pull off?

Brb killing myself