Ohio State is the best team Iowa will have faced this season, so some questions came to mind:
1. Can Iowa defend the three-headed monster of three point shooters Buford/Diebler/Lighty?
No, just hope that they are all off. I am really most worried about Diebler of the three. Even if all three are off OSU has Sullinger, Lauderdale, and Thomas down low which trumps Iowa's down low guys. They are deep enough that they don't need to shoot lights out to win and they don't absolutely need one guy to carry them they are so deep.
2. Will Melsahn Basabe be healthy?
Yes, there is no reason he should not be fully healthy now. He has had a few days to eat, condition and should be perfectly fine. You underestimate how quickly 18-25 year olds recover from sickness. I think he just was really kind of out of condition during the Illinois game as he probably did not move around at all when he was sick. Iowa needs his lenght/athleticism on the boards to stand a chance. Also Basabe, Cole, Brommer, and Archie all get 5 fouls a piece!
3. Can Matt Gatens continue to score at the pace he has the last four games?
I guess he can. I don't know if it really matters. Iowa would be better off getting some more scoring out of Eric May and Cartwright. May, Cartwright and Gatens take the most shots of anyone on the team so they should be scoring, the issue is ALL three need to have a good scoring game. I think OSU could care less if Gatens scores 25 points as that will be a sign that no one else is scoring. Seems like there are times that Iowa morphs back into last years offense which is a lot of watching Matt dribble around the perimeter and taking a so/so shot. I don't think Gatens scoring a lot is really a recipe for success. I see him scoring more out of necessity as of late and OSU can shut everyone else down and let Matt try to carry the team and from watching Matt over three years he is not a carry the team type of guy. Others really need to step up.
4. Is there any way Iowa can outrebound Ohio State?
Humm.. I don't really see it, they are just WAY better down low than Iowa. I guess maybe there are a lot of long rebounds that our guards beat their guards to? Who knows it's hard to say about this. I would say OSU wins the rebound battle, not sure if it will be lopsided but who knows.
5. Does Iowa shoot better from the FT line or 3-pt line?