Five questions for next year


Well-Known Member
1. Can Devyn Marble be Matt Gatens 2.0?

It would be great to have Gatens for another year, especially for his sake, but we do have another wing scorer at the ready. Gatens went for 15 ppg this year, shooting 47% from the field and 41% from 3. Can Marble reproduce those numbers even as he likely becomes the focal point of other teams' defensive schemes? I say yes. Marble isn't as good of a shooter as Gatens, but he has more ways to score. If he doesn't have to play point at all I could even see him getting into the 16-17 ppg range, especially in Fran's system. It's all on the table for Marble.

2. Can Mike Gesell replace Cartwright's production?

I am not expecting Gesell to come in and be the player Cartwright was in the NIT-- 5/1 assists:turnover ratio with scoring and a great feel for the game. Once you step back and look at the whole season, though, Cartwright's production (6 ppg, 4.8 assists, 2/1 assists:turnovers, 35% FG) matches pretty well with Jeff Horner's freshman year line (8ppg, 4.5 assists, 33% FG). There's no reason to think Gesell can't replicate something close to that.

3. Can we find a defensive answer for bulky interior players?

This is where Iowa really missed Jarryd Cole this year-- we had no one to match up against bulky but not necessarily super-skilled interior players. I'm actually not that worried about the Meyer Leonard/Cody Zellar-type players. Iowa figured out how to scheme for those guys in their second matchups, and you have to figure that the Woodbury/Olaseni combo will be somewhat useful in that regard. I am concerned about the way that guys like Ashaolu and Echenique went off on the Hawks this year. I don't think Basabe or White are the answer there. White has a ridiculous basketball IQ, and I don't see the point in trying to get him to gain 25+ pounds so he can just be a bruiser. It's going to have to be either Zach McCabe or Kyle Meyer. McCabe has to figure out the foul situation. Meyer is intriguing-- he is definitely a big dude, much more Brommer than White. If we could get McCabe to match up against these type of guys for 20 minutes with only a foul or two and Meyer to pick up the slack for 10 minutes, we might have something there.

4. Can Eric May contribute?

I know some people are writing off Eric May. I'm not ready to do that. If he's healthy, I think he could play a vital role on this team. You saw it in that little stretch he played near the end of the Oregon game-- he dove for that loose ball on the play where Ashaolu took himself out of the game and had a steal as well. He is never going to be a super-skilled offensive player, but if he could give us 15 minutes a game of solid defense, blocking out perimeter players on long rebounds, and running the floor, I think that could be huge. He shouldn't even be thinking about scoring-- maybe focus on developing one shot, like those jumpers from the free throw line area he was taking a lot of during the beginning of the year. If that isn't there, you're passing and at the ready to get back on defense.

5. With five freshmen, how long will it take to get roles established?

This is probably the key question. I think everyone would be fine with a comparable Big Ten season as long as we don't lose to Nebraska. You can't expect that we'll sweep Wisconsin again, but you can figure we can replace that by sweeping Nebraska, beating Northwestern at home, etc. The real question is the non-conference, and it's pretty clear that Iowa struggled in the non-conference because they didn't know what their roles were. Eric May was starting and the team was banking on Melsahn to be even better than he was as a freshman. Devyn was not a primary scoring option. Aaron White wasn't getting anywhere near the minutes he would get later (you think we could have used him for more than 9 minutes in the Campbell game?). These aren't criticisms of Fran-- it's just tough to know what you have with young players. It they can't figure out team roles quickly, though, it's going to be tough to beat Iowa State, UNI, or the ACC team, and we may just see another Campbell/South Dakota State-type fiasco. Let's hope that the process goes more quickly next year, and that the returning players come back healthy and at the very least able to repeat previous performance.
1. Can Devyn Marble be Matt Gatens 2.0?

ANS: White/Marble 1.0 + supporting cast will be better than Gatens 1.0 + supporting cast
2. Can Mike Gesell replace Cartwright's production?

ANS: No. The biggest thing to replace from Cartwright is A/O production. Although possible, it would be asking a lot to get that initially. However, with Gesell/Marble/Clemmons at PG we're likely to get increasingly efficient production not hampered by injuries to one specific player.

3. Can we find a defensive answer for bulky interior players?

This is where Iowa really missed Jarryd Cole this year-- we had no one to match up against bulky but not necessarily super-skilled interior players. I'm actually not that worried about the Meyer Leonard/Cody Zellar-type players. Iowa figured out how to scheme for those guys in their second matchups, and you have to figure that the Woodbury/Olaseni combo will be somewhat useful in that regard. I am concerned about the way that guys like Ashaolu and Echenique went off on the Hawks this year. I don't think Basabe or White are the answer there. White has a ridiculous basketball IQ, and I don't see the point in trying to get him to gain 25+ pounds so he can just be a bruiser. It's going to have to be either Zach McCabe or Kyle Meyer. McCabe has to figure out the foul situation. Meyer is intriguing-- he is definitely a big dude, much more Brommer than White. If we could get McCabe to match up against these type of guys for 20 minutes with only a foul or two and Meyer to pick up the slack for 10 minutes, we might have something there.
ANS: I like your answer here.
4. Can Eric May contribute?

I know some people are writing off Eric May. I'm not ready to do that. If he's healthy, I think he could play a vital role on this team. You saw it in that little stretch he played near the end of the Oregon game-- he dove for that loose ball on the play where Ashaolu took himself out of the game and had a steal as well. He is never going to be a super-skilled offensive player, but if he could give us 15 minutes a game of solid defense, blocking out perimeter players on long rebounds, and running the floor, I think that could be huge. He shouldn't even be thinking about scoring-- maybe focus on developing one shot, like those jumpers from the free throw line area he was taking a lot of during the beginning of the year. If that isn't there, you're passing and at the ready to get back on defense.
ANS: I'm not writing off Eric but there's a reason Fran is going after another athletic wing and it's not just because May will be a senior.
5. With five freshmen, how long will it take to get roles established?

ANS: Probably all year. And I'm not worried about that. One of the centers and one of the PGs will be asked to make significant contributions from the start, and not necessarily be in the starting lineup. Our frontcourt essentially returns intact as far as production. All Woodbury/Meyer have to do is contribute more than Brommer/Archie and we're ahead of the game there. The PGs have the luxury of playing beside Marble, who has played some PG himself. They're also likely to play better than Cartwright with a concussion so another Campbell isn't likely as they develop..
I think it's more logical to hope Oglesby assumes Gaten's role than Marble. The Oregon game aside Marble is not the three point shooter that Matt is/was.
Part B to Question 3:

Can our perimeter players do a better job of keeping opponents in front of them?

Marble really needs to improve in this area.
You're right on when it comes to question 5. I think Iowa will struggle early next year because Fran has to learn how to rotate the freshman according to their strengths and weaknesses and how they interact with other players. Also I think it will be difficult for Fran to decide early if he wants to redshirt a freshman. With so little time between the start of practice to the start of the first game he is going to have limited time to learn if the new Hawks can contribute right away.
For #2, I think the answer is can Clemmons/Gesell replace Cartwright. The answer would be YES, because Cartwright was a horrible. The not only will match his numbers offensives, but they will keep the opponents PG from getting to the hole, or getting off shots whenever they want.
For #2, I think the answer is can Clemmons/Gesell replace Cartwright. The answer would be YES, because Cartwright was a horrible. The not only will match his numbers offensives, but they will keep the opponents PG from getting to the hole, or getting off shots whenever they want.

Agreed. Gesell and Clemmons can both shoot a lot better than Cartwright also.
1. Can Devyn Marble be Matt Gatens 2.0?

They have nothing in common other than wear the same color uniforms. Oglesby will step in for Gatens shooting ability but Marble brings a completely different dimension to the wing. Not a fair comparison.

2. Can Mike Gesell replace Cartwright's production?

Yes and then some.

3. Can we find a defensive answer for bulky interior players?
Height is the key to the middle. We will have 3 players that are 6'10 or taller patrolling the middle.

4. Can Eric May contribute?


5. With five freshmen, how long will it take to get roles established?

About 5 minutes of face time with Fran.
1. The question is who will pick up the scoring deficit with the departure of Matt?
I say it wll be spread between Josh and Devyn,and the pgs.
As for the defensive prowess that Matt question.

2. Cartwright in the NIT was the real Bryce,and will be hard to match with a frosh.But overall, production from the pg position should be comparable to Bryce's injury-marred totals.

3. If those bulky guys include Nix and Payne of MSU and Sully of Gonna lose some games,and those guys are not typical of the rest of our schedule,so we will get by with heighth.

4. Eric May? Yes, and he will be important. He has played a lot of minutes and will be a cool leader that is needed in hot gyms in january. Think Chris Kramer of Purdue.

5. Frosh? Very tricky. As you indicate,we cannot afford to drop early games if we want to be bubble-bound. I think Fran will make the quick assessment,and if we get a solid juco wing, he will redshirt Ingram,and possibly Meyer. That will clarify the rotation immediately. I think Clemmons,Gesell and Woody have to play some minutes at least. Gabe is a wildcard.
1. Devyn actually has a higher ceiling and is more versatile than Matt, but Matt had a tremendous senior yr and was team MVP, If Marble can improve strength and defense, plus 3 pt shooting he will be all big ten!

2. when Cartwright was good he was really good, but when he is was bad he was also very bad, he and Baasbe were consistently inconsistent this season. I hope fans give Gesell and Clemmons time to adjust if they perform like White did his freshman yr I will be overjoyed.

3. If Woodbury can improve as much during his freshman season as White did, the Hawks will play much better post defense next yr, Baasbe is a terrific shot blocker but has to work harder and come back next yr ready to play hard all the time not half the time, Fran will have a lot of post options next season.

4. Hope so, sounds like a great kid, hopefully a terrific role player 7-10 minutes of hustle a game off the bench, if he gets healthy

5. It will take the entire season if not 2 seasons, there is a lot of depth next season and Fran will not have to play freshman unless they are ready, hope they are ready because if they replace some of the starters coming back we could be scary good!!
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Just to clarify, in that first question, I'm not trying to ask whether Marble will become the same player as Gatens. Instead I'm asking whether he can step up and fill the role as primary scorer, team leader on the floor, and strong defender-- a guy who other teams gameplan to stop but can still get 15 points a night. I realize I didn't word that very clearly-- I know Marble and Gatens have very different skill sets.
Just to clarify, in that first question, I'm not trying to ask whether Marble will become the same player as Gatens. Instead I'm asking whether he can step up and fill the role as primary scorer, team leader on the floor, and strong defender-- a guy who other teams gameplan to stop but can still get 15 points a night. I realize I didn't word that very clearly-- I know Marble and Gatens have very different skill sets.

I think we are dealing with a flawed premise here.;) Seriously though, I don't think he is going to need to do that. I think you are going to have a much better Oglesby, White has a year under his belt and will hit the floor running, and you are going to have better pg play. I love Gatens but I'm not as worried as some that others won't pick up the slack. I think I answered 1&2, as for 3. yes, but it might take another year before that isn't a concern. 4. yeah he will but I don't think it will be much honestly and I hope I'm wrong there. 5. Fran knows what he is doing.
1. An improvement in the wing players will help make up for Matt's production. Not sure who will pick up leadership and be the face of the team. Matt is as good as we've had as a leader and role model. Cole was right there too and his graduation hurt in the leadership end.

2. Yes, without question for Cartwright's senior year. No, for his junior year.

3. We will be better with interior defense but still a ways away. Woody is not the answer just yet so I hope a combination of people we run out there will be.

4. A healthy Eric May can contribute but a nagging back injury isn't easy to overcome.

5. I fully expect a couple of freshmen to be solid contributors. I can only hope several reach the levels White has.
1) marble will be the new go to guy on offense. but i think a combo of him and white take over the leadership. marble is a different type of scorer than matt so we need to have ogelsby step up to provide the outside shooting consistently. marble and white showed flashes but they arent 140 3pt attempt players.

2) gesell will give us bc numbers from this yr and i believe clemmons will be an improvement back up wise as marble is not a pg. i see them both playing pretty much the same amount of time and gesell scoring more but both about 4-5 assts. both will be defensive upgrades (as you cant really get worse) and should turn the ball over less frequently.

3) may will contribute but he will never be the player many thought he would turn into after his frosh yr. he is athletic but very raw as a bball player. he doesnt have the innate understanding of the game and what to do that others on the team have and need in fran's style. i thought his athleticism would help him flourish more in this style but i think i am wrong. his injuries have taken a toll on him and i see him as maybe a 10-15 min guy at best. he garners no attention in the halfcourt and must try to run and dunk and play unrelenting defense.

4) interior defense hasnt been a problem 1 on 1 when we are set. it is the rotation of our big men. white, mccabe, basabe are slow to rotate. white and basabe are too good of athletes for this and mccabe, i thought, was too good of a student of the game. until they get a sense of urgency to rotate quickly on the press and halfcourt it doesnt matter who we have on defense. woodbury and meyer could help but if they dont right away it wont surprise me because they are young and defense is usually something hs players have to learn in college. most are used to being so much better that they dont have to work at it then in college that isnt the case anymore.

5) i think we will have a good understanding of roles a couple games into the big 10 schedule. this is the time when gesell and clemmons will hopefully be under control in the uptempo style. also woodbury will have a few games as the starter after overtaking mccabe so mccabe can settle into a more comfortable role from the bench. meyer and ingram will hopefully understand what they are expected to do. fran will play a lot of guys (i believe 11) consistently. and he seems to let them make mistakes and learn. white learned quicker than most as he knew his role just a few games in. the main spot is pg if those two figure it out quick everyone else will. we will have 5 rotating at the 4/5 spots and 3 of them took all the time this yr so i think woodbury and meyer will have a nice safety net to learn in.

might have switched 3 & 4 around but i think i covered my theories well enough.
As for guarding bulky interior players. Woodbury can easily be up around 240 by the time the season starts. He is listed at 230 now.

To discus interior defense and not bring up our biggest most highly rated player and only true center seems rather absurd to me.

Height neutralizes bulk when bulk is shorter.

Basabe is more than capable of guarding guys around his own height too. He has always held his own against the likes of Sullinger ect. Its the guys that are 6'10+ (Payne, Zeller, Lenord) that he can't guard, and thats where Woodbury, Myer, and hopefully Oleseni will come in.

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