First offense = Counseling


Well-Known Member
Barta and Kirk both said it. Why does everyone think Arob is gone? He won't even miss a game next year if it is a first offense.
We are talking about a player that is currently suspended from the team for not meeting the teams expectations. Answer me this did lastnights events help him in that department?
I would guess the first offense for testing positive for something like marijuana equals counseling is assuming no other conduct/following team rules issues. I doubt they just let this slide with counseling.
The counseling applies for a player who is in good standing. Being suspended from all team activities even before the arrest doesn't exactly scream model behavior.
ARob may have had a problem with Shakespeare. To pee or not to pee that is the question.
The "counseling" is for a failed drug test... not an arrest for unlawfully possessing a banned substance. This has nothing to do with the drug testing policy.
I'd like to always give the youth the benefit of the doubt, but I'm afraid he has had plenty of warnings. Not starting, not going with team on bowl trip, DJK, etc. I'm sure he has been warned before being warned to begin with. The kid is not 10. Respect your elders, respect rules or you lose out on the perks. 1st drug offense he got caught at is probably more like it.

I liked A-rob, liked his running style, liked his interviews. But seems to me to have a lack of RESPECT going on. He deserves what he gets. If he is exonerated, then fine, he deserved another shot...if he gets booted, so be it....either way he has a lot of growing up to do between the ears. idiot.
Even if he has this "second offense", AROB still gets his chance to go though the process ie. councelling and courts. KF also gets his chance to clean up this mess also. Nothing changes unless KF and or the University says so.
So the punishment for a failed drug test is less than for just possessing the stuff? How much sense does that make?
I am thinking AROB has passed the counseling stage. By the sounds of it, he may have already had the counseling. My guess is there is no other chances for Mr. Robinson.
Next season starts with tonight's game, so I just don't see the team giving A-Rob an invitation to join them for spring practice. KF is going to be cracking down hard on the team, as he should. And if I am a coach or player, then Robinson's actions (and the timing of those actions) tell me that he does not want to be a Hawkeye.

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