First Big Ten game, next TUESDAY night


Well-Known Member
HAWKEYE FANS NEED TO RALLY and get over TO CARVER HAWKEYE ARENA. Is that the right date, TUESDAY the 29th? I believe so.


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Re: First Big Ten game, next Monday night

Would one of the moderators please change the Monday to Tuesday?

Thanks in advance. Tuesday, the 29th. The Holidays, with my upcoming trip to the art deco, south beach, swingers club, blah, blah, yada, yada, has me mixed up.

:) BUT JUST GET YOUR A.. OVER TO CHA !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: First Big Ten game, next Monday night

This is a great representation of the apatheticness of fans this year...

Yeah, but he's still right. It'd be nice to have a big crowd in the building next week to show the team that we still care.

The Big 10 did Iowa a favor by scheduling 4 of Iowa's first 6 conference games at home, but none of those game are going to be played with students in town.
Re: First Big Ten game, next Monday night

Would one of the moderators please change the Monday to Tuesday?

Thanks in advance. Tuesday, the 29th. The Holidays, with my upcoming trip to the art deco, south beach, swingers club, has me mixed up.


Are you going to the game?
Re: First Big Ten game, next Monday night

Heck, get there early on Monday, maybe stay at the Lodge.

You'll be early for the game on Tuesday.
THANKS for changing the OP to the correct day during break.

No excuses...........BUTTS in THE SEATS OF CHA. Purdue is a fun team to watch get beat!
OK...........Time to BUMP this thread and see if we can get Shada, as well as a few thousand other Hawkeye fans in to CHA on Tuesday night.
Will we cross the 10,000 number for attendance in this one?

There will be a bigger crowd for Big Ten games. A good goal would be excessing 10,000 Hawkeye fans.

**Get your a.. out of the house and get to Carver !!!!!!!!!!!


As an aside: WHEN does the Hawkeye football team head to Miami? Do they leave on Tuesday?
There will be a bigger crowd for Big Ten games. A good goal would be excessing 10,000 Hawkeye fans.

**Get your a.. out of the house and get to Carver !!!!!!!!!!!


As an aside: WHEN does the Hawkeye football team head to Miami? Do they leave on Tuesday?

10k???it would be amazing if they even got 5k live bodies in the arena...and even then pud-ues 500 traveling fans wld prly be louder...
I've been excited since we beat SC State. The start of the conference year is a new season and I'm ready to be hopeful until reality sets in. I'm praying we can somehow take advantage of home court and be 3-1 to start the year. Unfortunately, although we have 3 out of 4 home games to start the year, they may be against the top three in the league.
I've been excited since we beat SC State. The start of the conference year is a new season and I'm ready to be hopeful until reality sets in. I'm praying we can somehow take advantage of home court and be 3-1 to start the year. Unfortunately, although we have 3 out of 4 home games to start the year, they may be against the top three in the league.

5-7 in the pre-conference season and reality hasn't set in yet?

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