Anyone else totally disinterested? Without any real "story" I haven't watched a single minute of this years elite 8/final 4. Yawn.
the only final four i would watch is when iowa get in final four! bodyslamming awesome!
Was just thinking how this is about the most disinterested I have been for the Final Four. If my son wasn't excited about it I probably wouldn't watch at all.
Anyone else totally disinterested? Without any real "story" I haven't watched a single minute of this years elite 8/final 4.
It gets old watching the same recycled teams year in and year out. Without a cinderella this year the enjoyment factor is not as high.
Yeah because everyone enjoyed a horrible title game last year when Cinderella shot 18% for the game.
It gets old watching the same recycled teams year in and year out. Without a cinderella this year the enjoyment factor is not as high.
Yeah because everyone enjoyed a horrible title game last year when Cinderella shot 18% for the game.