Ferentz says it again....


Well-Known Member
on the post game show. once again says, "that's football."
Well, KF that crap only flies so long. I'm f'ing sick of this ****.
Well then maybe Barta will have the balls to tell him he is fired and "that is football". What a f**cking joke this was.
Barta gets to keep his job because we put bodies in the seats... so he will keep cashing those checks wiht those 8-5 7-6 seasons as we go to a GASP bowl game... one of 850 bowl games for anyone that has more than 5 wins on the year.

Quite and accomplishment really
Ferentz gets upset about losses for a minute then checks his bank account and smiles.

Don't think for a second Kirk doesn't want to win. After a certain point you have all the money you need, and he's well past the point.

My issue is this: in a program that has little margin for error, as Kirk frequently (and accurately) states, how can we overcome lack attention to detail on coaching basics like time/TO management, in-game adjustments, and max-protect formations against obvious onside kick/fake punt situations?

Kirk didn't drop those dam* balls to Herman or miss those FG's. But good grief, put your guys in the best possible position to win, and set the example with YOUR OWN execution as coaches.
If somebody doesn't perform at their job, they are either fired, demoted, or take a pay cut. or all 3. Ferentz needs to be held accountable and barta needs to put some pressure on him immediately.
Don't think for a second Kirk doesn't want to win. After a certain point you have all the money you need, and he's well past the point.

My issue is this: in a program that has little margin for error, as Kirk frequently (and accurately) states, how can we overcome lack attention to detail on coaching basics like time/TO management, in-game adjustments, and max-protect formations against obvious onside kick/fake punt situations?

Kirk didn't drop those dam* balls to Herman or miss those FG's. But good grief, put your guys in the best possible position to win, and set the example with YOUR OWN execution as coaches.

This is what people without much money say.
But good grief, put your guys in the best possible position to win, and set the example with YOUR OWN execution as coaches.

Amen. I couldn't agree more. Why is that before every game it feels like we are playing the best team ever and we shouldn't be allowed to even be on the same field.

We never play fired up or with any emotion. KF has NO killing instinct. Say what you want about about other coaches but I would love to put up 60 points against someone and just blow them out to send a message to other teams. But KF will never do that.
Even if you fire him now...he won...13 years averaging 2.5M a year. Over 30M plus buyout. He just goes to the NFL as a position coach and coasts. And smiles every quarter for the next 4 years as Iowa shows him the money.
I am tired of hearing the "in a program that has little room for error" b.s. We have a schools to our west that was a nobody until the 60s and faces the same challenges as us. If they can succeed, if Wisconsin, can, if Boise St can, than we can.

Put up or shut up.
I forgot to put a road closed sign after I left the construction site. Somebody drove off a bridge and got killed???? That's road construction.
This tickled me. As we all know, and as this shows, this has been going on for a while now. But hey, at least there's consistency somewhere.
This tickled me. As we all know, and as this shows, this has been going on for a while now. But hey, at least there's consistency somewhere.

Hitch, welcome aboard!

Say, this is quite the nugget you dug up from more than three years ago. Amazing for only your third post since signing up four months ago! You share like a long-timer here. Some people like deanvogs and digits should take some notes. If this is the quality of your contributions, please come by more often!

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