Ferentz Purdue Postgame Presser Transcript

I'm so sick of hearing say Ferentz say..."It didn't occur to me". How many times does he say that after a loss? I know it's a lot. Why isn't his mind thinking of these things during the game? Isn't that his job? To be thinking of situationals.

He's being exposed. Thank you Norm Parker.
Anyone who is starting from the premise that KF doesn't care and doesn't want to win, or cares about something more than winning is starting from a false premise.
Media is starting to grow some kahones. Love dem bolded questions.

me too. Mr. Powerball is going to have to face some more heat. I will subscribe to the website/paper of the person who asked those questions today...and i hope other iowa fans follow suit.
me too. Mr. Powerball is going to have to face some more heat. I will subscribe to the website/paper of the person who asked those questions today...and i hope other iowa fans follow suit.

Indeed! Sure would like to know who asked those questions.
No time right now to read comments, but Kirk's are good stuff. I throw it up to him for finally acting like he has a pulse. Poof!
Q. We knew this was a young team at the beginning of the year and some execution fundamental issues that you expected, but did you expect that that would still be a problem 10 weeks in?
KIRK FERENTZ: I would counter that and just tell you that I thought we played pretty good in our opening game of the Big Ten. I thought we played pretty well the next week, too, against a very good football team. It's not like this has just been a dog crap team. You don't want to paint that picture, I'm not buying that. We played good football against Minnesota, we played very good football at Michigan State in very tough circumstances.
And our guys competed in that second half. We were playing to win, and we gave ourselves a chance to win, but you've got to play both halves, and that's to me in a nutshell that's it.

Q. After those first two, Minnesota and Michigan State
KIRK FERENTZ: You were paying attention, right? You're not serious, are you?

Q. Well, you're pointing back to the first two games, but you've lost four in a row. It seems like this team is going backwards.
KIRK FERENTZ: Yeah, it is, because we have not moved the ball the way we had, so I'll let you connect the dots on that one.

Q. Is the offense getting worse?
KIRK FERENTZ: Well, we've lost how many in a row, so what would that suggest? What I'm suggesting is we played pretty well against Minnesota and Michigan State, and we haven't played as well. We've had our chances to win the last couple weeks, but we weren't there. But today the first half we didn't give ourselves a chance. I'll sign on that one. I'll sign on that one.

Wow you can't be serious, KF is lost if he believes any of what just came out of his mouth.

I've been paying attention all year. Iowa's offense is HORRIBLE... ALL YEAR..
Q. We knew this was a young team at the beginning of the year and some execution fundamental issues that you expected, but did you expect that that would still be a problem 10 weeks in?
KIRK FERENTZ: I would counter that and just tell you that I thought we played pretty good in our opening game of the Big Ten. I thought we played pretty well the next week, too, against a very good football team. It's not like this has just been a dog crap team. You don't want to paint that picture, I'm not buying that. We played good football against Minnesota, we played very good football at Michigan State in very tough circumstances.
And our guys competed in that second half. We were playing to win, and we gave ourselves a chance to win, but you've got to play both halves, and that's to me in a nutshell that's it.

Q. After those first two, Minnesota and Michigan State
KIRK FERENTZ: You were paying attention, right? You're not serious, are you?

Q. Um, I have been watching your team play and I am pretty sure most everyone else watching could ask you the same question. Here I will give you an example.

Hawkeyes: On 4th and 3, lets run a 1 yard pass.
Hawkeye fans: You were paying attention to the down and distance, right? Your not serious, are you?!
Holy smokes Batman! KF is ******. Who is getting axed??? I am pretty sure GD is gone. Wasn't KF's son in the discussion for the Patriots OC job??? If that is the case, he is obviously qualified to run our offense. I realize that some of you would get your panties in a wad if KF's son was the OC, but I would love any aspect of the Patriots offense injected into our program.
Thats great to have the patriots type scheme but you're forgetting one key component... ...who's going to catch and who's gonna throw? Lol
Q. You said special teams are playing at a level that you like. Why not go for the field goal instead of the 4th and 3?
KIRK FERENTZ: You're talking about at the end of the game? We were out there pretty good, so I felt like that was a better percentage. I guess we could have gone for the field goal. It really didn't occur to me at that point, but we could have taken a shot at it.

Q. You were into the wind?
KIRK FERENTZ: The wind was in our face. Going into the game and through the game we were thinking 30 yard line, but on the last play of the game if you miss it they've still got the ball right there. So I guess if you make it, it changes the game. Really hadn't thought about it.

I'm not sure how to take this. I have a really difficult time believing it didn't cross his mind. If it really didn't then.... wow.

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