Ferentz Presser as he speaks it (FINISHED)

Re: Ferentz Presser as he speaks it

Saying if Jake takes all snaps this year, he will have clearly been the right guy...said he is furthest ahead and most consistent...three good candidates....this is the ultimate test
Re: Ferentz Presser as he speaks it

worry about QB looking ovr shoulder?

I hope not. We have addressed this. Jake is going to play, he has earned this. You don't want anyone looking over shoulder.
Re: Ferentz Presser as he speaks it

What put Jake over edge?

Consistency in August...they are young guys...you see jumps in every phase and all three have done a good job..Jake grabbed an early ead...I am pleased with all three.

When did it become clear?

When we named it. We wanted to give it time, plenty of time. No need to rush. Wantd to wait as late as we could and start preparing for this game.

Fair to say QB has to play well for you to do well

I can't think of any team at any level where that is not true
Re: Ferentz Presser as he speaks it

Snapshot for this position, if CJ soars throughout season, would he have chance to compete

He has a chance now. No one has played yet. We have let the scenario play itself out and we will keep doing that. I dont envision this being a three ring circus, but if that is what it takes, like in 1987...it was a three man comp...08 was two men..we will see how it goes.
Re: Ferentz Presser as he speaks it

Importance with this opener given last year?

Every one is the same...every game is critical in football, just 12 shots....regardless of what happens...in 2009, had a 9-0 start and in 2008 we were 3-3 and in 2004 we were 2-2...its not the Normandy Invasion in terms of importance
Re: Ferentz Presser as he speaks it


I think it looks LeShun Daniels will play...mulling things over with a candidate or two on defense, and Damon Powell will play too.

Receivers: We havent ruled it out, would not be this week
Re: Ferentz Presser as he speaks it

Do you have an idea of what you have?

Yes and no...we think we do but never sure. I have been doing this a few years and I know less now than 15 years ago because you know more...you are always anxious for a game...I think its safe to say...we are more veteran in a lot of areas...but you dont know until you start playing...15 practices in spring and 25 in the fall prior to game week...what they do in the conditioning this summer, pleased with how they have worked and how the older guys have showed the younger guys how to do things.
Re: Ferentz Presser as he speaks it

Do you feel better or more confident one year ago?

About certain things I do..more things than not, but you never know how things unfold...I felt we were a better team than 3-3 at one point in 2008 and also 5-4...no guarantees...can't worry how they unfold, just have to move forward.
Re: Ferentz Presser as he speaks it

Norm Parker stymied QB...what influence

Phil was with Norm for 13 yeras and Phil is tremendous...its not like we are void there...Norm was critical in my mind to build a good defensive football team we were not in 1999...have to play good team defense....we have remained that way, that is the key to be good fundamentally. It takes 11 to stop teams.
Re: Ferentz Presser as he speaks it

How much time put into going over new rules and changes, targeting

We have covered them all in camp...the targeting is big..not a new things, but the NCAA sent out a great video, what was legal and what was not...everyone in America is in favor of protecting defenseless players...biggest concern is its a tough play to officiate...like an onside kick...now heightened awareness...it has not been a problem in our league from what I have seen, but I hope it doesn't become one because we turn it into one.
Re: Ferentz Presser as he speaks it

Last year offense was lost a bit...feel now that everyone on same page

Everyone but me...I thikn everyone else has done a great job. all the players are comfortable...a lot further down the road on that one.
Re: Ferentz Presser as he speaks it

Depth at TE, how security blanket for Jake

The biggest thing is that can help counter inexperience at WR, tho we are making progress there and I am happy to say it. Take some pressure off outside guys with TE, and Bullock and Canzeri.
Re: Ferentz Presser as he speaks it

RG Walsh full go there? Or rotate?

We will play Andrew and Jordan..Jordan made a jump this past week great to see...Andrew's rehab was longer than Brandon..getting out of camp will be good for Andrew...feel good about both guys. Feel good with Connor due to practice

How about DL?

We are gaining ground but great test. Can't focus on just QB...they have a lot of good players...a Big Ten offensive line....a good Big TEn offensive line....not like we are waiting four weeks to see how we match up, this is a test right off the bat
Re: Ferentz Presser as he speaks it

RB Depth

It will be nice to not run one guy into the ground....Shonn Greene ran a lot but we had guys who could give him a break..we have that flexibility now...four guys who can help us.
Re: Ferentz Presser as he speaks it

Powell showed some things in scrimmage, has it been there?

You saw his highlight on teh pylon, a great football play...great to see...we knew he was fast pretty quickly....but it has been fun to watch him climb the ladder

Can count on him in any situation?

Will try to find a role for him and play to his strengths.
Re: Ferentz Presser as he speaks it

Rudock Bright?

That didn't hurt him...I asked him what classes he is taking...I didn't take anything like that...he is on a different planet. He communicates well..,not an egg head....smart guy but a prepared guy and serious about what is in front of him....same academically....takes care of all details
Slowly I am getting pumped for this year's football season. Sounds like we will see more than one QB and at least have talent at almost all the positions. As long as we can keep the injury bug away.

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