Ferentz Post PSU Quotes

We really can't get any worse at QB. I used to say, at least he doesn't turn or over. Well, he turned it over 3 times tonight. As long as JVB is the QB in the system, our offense will struggle. I know there are other factors in play here, but there have been multiple times every game where receivers have been open and he's either thrown a terrible pass, or missed the wide open receiver all together. It's time to get someone on the field to get this offense figured out. Get a head start on next year. This year, we may not win another game. Our defense has been exposed, any team that shows a little patience in the passing game will have success our defense. It's what we all expected, that's why we need the offense to sustain drives and score in the mid twenties and above this year. As long as JVB is QB, this won't happen, no matter how nice of a kid he may be. Wake up Kirk, or Iowa will see more beat downs like tonight, and have a totally unprepared QB for next season.
If that was the entirety of post-game press conference, then the Iowa media can't execute either. So the media can't blast Iowa's performance in a recap or "opinion" piece if they can't ask Kirk difficult questions face-to-face. And I like Kirk.
COACH FERENTZ: First of all needless to say we're disappointed with our performance tonight. Give Penn State all the credit in the world, all phases. We had a great crowd out there, great environment and we just couldn't get anything going offensively, defensively or special teams. So a really tough ballgame for us and give them all the credit.......ie 'not OUR fault, but rather just PSU just played well' (ie, we don't need to change anything--all is good)
Q. What's held this offense back from noticeable improvement over seven games?
​COACH FERENTZ: You know, I don't know that I understand that question. Over seven games or tonight or what?

What, no follow-up question here? What a ******* joke!!

There was a follow-up. In bold it's the next question.. However seriously the first question is pretty damn obvious and Coach tried to dodge it IMO.. I guess we all know what the problem is if he don't know..

Q. What's held this offense back from noticeable improvement over seven games?
​COACH FERENTZ: You know, I don't know that I understand that question. Over seven games or tonight or what?

​Q. Based on weektoweektoweek, it seems like I mean, I don't want to be giving opinions in a press conference?
​COACH FERENTZ: I think the first two games we struggled. I think after that, we started making some real progress and then we played a very good defensive football team last week and played a real good defensive team tonight.
​We definitely struggled tonight. We didn't block them well, execute well, run or pass. We couldn't get anything going tonight, at all, period.
I'm glad to hear they are "disappointed with their performance tonight". What's next, "we need improvement", "you win some you lose some". Way to own it Kirk.
COACH FERENTZ: First of all needless to say we're disappointed with our performance tonight. Give Penn State all the credit in the world, all phases. We had a great crowd out there, great environment and we just couldn't get anything going offensively, defensively or special teams. So a really tough ballgame for us and give them all the credit.......ie 'not OUR fault, but rather just PSU just played well' (ie, we don't need to change anything--all is good)

That's what you took from that?

Do you think you're an idiot? Take your time to answer, because this is a very important question.
​Q. Was there any point late in the game where you thought about taking James out and bringing Jake in?
​COACH FERENTZ: I thought about it but there's really probably wasn't one the biggest decisions I had tonight, that's for sure.

​​​​Q. In the fourth quarter when the game was marginally out of reach, did you think about pulling James, he was getting hit pretty hard?
​COACH FERENTZ: That's already been asked I thought about it, but at that point we just felt like, let the starters finish the game.

This is what just doesn't and never will make any sense. You already lost 2 starters to injury. James is "our quarterback", yet you risk losing him by allowing him to continue to take some heavy shots during a meaningless portion of a lost game.

That last answer is just so "yeah, whatever". Sure, the game was over but ignore the potential risk (which you had 2 instances of earlier in the game and a glaring instance 2 years ago with A-Rob) and let the starters finish the game.

I seriously wonder if he wasn't concerned of that potential injury risk and the "controversy" (that some imply he's trying to avoid, yet others have said is staring him square in the face, despite his inaction) would just go away by default.

Here's the #1 dilemma going forward based on the reasonable premise that there's 1 possible win (Indy) and 4 probable losses.
Do you flush this season by going with your least horrible QB, based on your deluded hope he gives you the "best chance" to win (or lose in the least embarrassing way)? The result is that your even more horrible QB will be forced to play next year, very likely with the same results (since he's even more horrible and, therefore, will struggle even more than JVB is this year), in essence flushing 2 seasons?

Do you flush this season by getting your more horrible QB some significant game experience and hope that, while the results could be similar (a loss is a loss) and maybe even uglier (after all, he's more horrible), hope that experience actually pays some developmental dividends toward next season?
It would be nice if someone would ask KF why he thinks our backup QB's are so far behind what JVB is currently producing.
It would be nice if someone would ask KF why he thinks our backup QB's are so far behind what JVB is currently producing.

I think it's time for total glasnost around the Complex. Fran has shown that candor in press conferences will not get a coach hanged, even following ugly losses (Campbell). It's getting to the point that I (and it seems many of us) just want Kirk's reasons to add up logically. The Law but not Rudock playing time last night and Kirk's reasons for it perfectly illustrate this. I wouldn't be happy if Kirk said "I'm only going to play James because I don't want any semblance of a controversy," but I wouldn't be any more disappointed than I am now.
There was a follow-up. In bold it's the next question.. However seriously the first question is pretty damn obvious and Coach tried to dodge it IMO.. I guess we all know what the problem is if he don't know..

Q. What's held this offense back from noticeable improvement over seven games?
​COACH FERENTZ: You know, I don't know that I understand that question. Over seven games or tonight or what?

​Q. Based on weektoweektoweek, it seems like I mean, I don't want to be giving opinions in a press conference?
​COACH FERENTZ: I think the first two games we struggled. I think after that, we started making some real progress and then we played a very good defensive football team last week and played a real good defensive team tonight.
​We definitely struggled tonight. We didn't block them well, execute well, run or pass. We couldn't get anything going tonight, at all, period.

The most concerning part of all that to me was that KF thinks the offense played well against UNI, CMU and Minn. Those defenses just suck and we were very average. CMU we scored 31 but even MSU scored 41.
Just some thoughts: First, I think the media has asked questions that open the door for KF to go into more detail that many on this board seem to want to hear; second, the media is NOT going to force KF into delving into topics he does not want to go into...period; third, listen to the coaches from virtually every team in the conference when they are asked the same types of questions KF gets from the Iowa media...guess what---they all answer the questions the same way KF does. In fact, you could probably print out the press conferences post game from every team in the BT and leave the names out, at which point you would have no idea what coach was "speaking." In short, you may not like it, but it is what it is.

As to Rudock: First, comparing putting in a QB late in a game to putting in a free or strong safety late in the game is ludicrous on its face. Think about it, especially when the current starter is under a great deal of fire. Did you even know Law was in the game late until you saw it on this board? Secondly, argue that Rudock ought to be given a chance to play significant minutes due to JVB's performance...I'm ok with that. But arguing that Rudock will be better next year by getting some snaps late in a game that is already decided is silly. He will get better in practice, not late in some game this year.

Iowa is NOT a good football team; much of that relates to the poor play of the QB. JVB has lost his confidence and has been completely unable to adjust to whatever the new offensive scheme is. (I frankly cannot tell what it is.) The performance of McGloin (sp?) is a great example of adjustment to an entirely new system by a very mediocre QB. Good job by the PSU coaching staff of salvaging a QB who was totally ineffective last year. I blame Davis/JVB for the inablity to mesh the new system together. Maybe next year both of them should be gone.
Just some thoughts: First, I think the media has asked questions that open the door for KF to go into more detail that many on this board seem to want to hear; second, the media is NOT going to force KF into delving into topics he does not want to go into...period; third, listen to the coaches from virtually every team in the conference when they are asked the same types of questions KF gets from the Iowa media...guess what---they all answer the questions the same way KF does. In fact, you could probably print out the press conferences post game from every team in the BT and leave the names out, at which point you would have no idea what coach was "speaking." In short, you may not like it, but it is what it is.

As to Rudock: First, comparing putting in a QB late in a game to putting in a free or strong safety late in the game is ludicrous on its face. Think about it, especially when the current starter is under a great deal of fire. Did you even know Law was in the game late until you saw it on this board? Secondly, argue that Rudock ought to be given a chance to play significant minutes due to JVB's performance...I'm ok with that. But arguing that Rudock will be better next year by getting some snaps late in a game that is already decided is silly. He will get better in practice, not late in some game this year.

Iowa is NOT a good football team; much of that relates to the poor play of the QB. JVB has lost his confidence and has been completely unable to adjust to whatever the new offensive scheme is. (I frankly cannot tell what it is.) The performance of McGloin (sp?) is a great example of adjustment to an entirely new system by a very mediocre QB. Good job by the PSU coaching staff of salvaging a QB who was totally ineffective last year. I blame Davis/JVB for the inablity to mesh the new system together. Maybe next year both of them should be gone.

That's "certainly" not entirely accurate.
Have you listened to the post game shows on the radio after Iowa's away games? Have you watched the BTN and heard the coaches from other teams talk? Have you gone to the web sites of the newspapers that cover other BT teams and read the articles about pre and post game interviews with other coaches? Man, I was amazed at how similar the questions/answers are to the ones we hear in Iowa City...seriously. Not messin' with you...I am suggesting you look further if you have not already done so.
Have you listened to the post game shows on the radio after Iowa's away games? Have you watched the BTN and heard the coaches from other teams talk? Have you gone to the web sites of the newspapers that cover other BT teams and read the articles about pre and post game interviews with other coaches? Man, I was amazed at how similar the questions/answers are to the ones we hear in Iowa City...seriously. Not messin' with you...I am suggesting you look further if you have not already done so.

I'm certainly at KF's weekly pressers and get postgame transcripts. I could pick his out of the pile, certainly.

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