Ferentz Post Nebraska Presser

Fans don't deserve sh!t when it comes to a press conference. If this season wasn't such a total f up no one would care about his answers. GB is to much of a puss to let the donors force his hand. Kirk does to much right in the community. GB will be like hey uggh Greg sucks, Kirk will agree and then he will get his last chance to hire a OC that knows how to run the spread and utilize a mobile qb
Just ONCE, I wish Ferentz would have the balls to say publicly that he failed as a head coach this year. But no, he's got too big of a head to even come close to saying something like that.
Just ONCE, I wish Ferentz would have the balls to say publicly that he failed as a head coach this year. But no, he's got too big of a head to even come close to saying something like that.

He says all the time that he needs to coach better. Have you ever listened to a post game press conference or the Wednesday night call in show. KF is about as down to earth as they come. To say the he has too big of a head is just plain being ignorant.

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