Ferentz on Coker

I think Coker would have left for one reason or another. This just happened to be an easy way out. I remember when he was a freshman and after his fumble at Minnesota. I expected that season to be his final with his posture on the sideline. Then he had that flash game in the Bowl and all of a sudden, he was on pace to break the Iowa Rushing record. Just hold on folks. Things have a funny way of playing out. Maybe the next NFL rb walks into Kinnick this next season. Would it suprise you?
There's a difference between wanting to know the details of what happened (which I have seen very little of), to wanting to know the details of the investigation. Big difference. One is a private matter that's no one's business. The other is a public matter that deserves transparency in order to ensure that no student is railroaded or deprived of due process because some administrator(s) want to cover his/her/their ***(es).

To suggest that citizens of the state don't have a right to know the details of how an investigation was conducted at a publicly funded institution is not just ********, it's downright dangerous. When public officials get to hide behind a veil of "privacy" (secrecy), then they are accountable to NO ONE. That's not a society that I'm really interested in living in.
So you think this is something the football coach should worry about in a press conference to announce a new coach? Or in any?
So you think this is something the football coach should worry about in a press conference to announce a new coach? Or in any?

No, frankly I think that is a question that should asked of Barta or Mason and they should answer. Kirk Ferentz is not really known for sticking up for bad eggs and I would assume that if he thought that Coker was guilty of sexual assault he wouldn't not say things like "...he is a tremendous young man." Something about this stinks.
There's a difference between wanting to know the details of what happened (which I have seen very little of), to wanting to know the details of the investigation. Big difference. One is a private matter that's no one's business. The other is a public matter that deserves transparency in order to ensure that no student is railroaded or deprived of due process because some administrator(s) want to cover his/her/their ***(es).

To suggest that citizens of the state don't have a right to know the details of how an investigation was conducted at a publicly funded institution is not just ********, it's downright dangerous. When public officials get to hide behind a veil of "privacy" (secrecy), then they are accountable to NO ONE. That's not a society that I'm really interested in living in.

Exactly right. If it were to come out that a high UI official just arbitrarily said lets suspend Coker without justified student conduct issues then I think that would say bad things about the UI process.

A lot less secrecy and we would have been out of vietnam in 1966 and would have never been in Iraq.
Coker gone, please no more threads unless they are about how he is tearing it up at his other college. Enough with the speculation of guilt or innocence on something that may or may no have happened. If I were Coker I would just want my name left out of peoples mouths. Same goes for any victim if there was one.

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