Ferentz needs to apologize to Vandenberg

I'll make a deal with James. If Iowa beats Nebraska on Friday, I will promise to buy him a steak dinner and all the drinks he wants anytime I see him in Iowa City. All of the other games will be forgiven.
Definitely no reason to call him names. Easy for you to sit on your couch, point fingers and blame. These players deserved better than fans making fun of them and calling them names.
Now I remember why I never post on this website. Armchair quarterbacks a plenty.
Thank you tm3308. My point of the post was twofold.
#1. Ferentz continued to send Vandenberg back out there despite his production. In doing so I think Ferentz is responsible for creating such animosity towards Vandenberg that he will forever be the scapegoat of an atrocious offensive system within a declining program. Ferentz continued to throw the kid into the fire hoping for a different result, and thus the need for an apology.
#2. If 2011 happened to be Vandenberg's senior year, I feel he would be remembered in a much different fashion.
I agree fully with your first point Desert. More than once this season I've wondered if it would have been more humane to bench the kid. He has clearly put his heart and soul into this team for 5 years. He doesn't deserve to be dogged or called names.
OP, you are correct. To use a baseball analogy, V'berg was a .260 hitter last year, so the new coach decides he knows how to "fix" him so he'll hit .300. In the process, he screws the kid up so bad he ends up hitting .150. I have no doubt this is what has happened. The young man was overrated after a great effort in his first start at Ohio State. He has many limitations, and this season the coaching has brought those out while hiding his talents.

There's no doubt in my mind whatsoever that the Iowa QB has been coached into oblivion. It happens at all levels in all sports, and it's always a despicable shame. Back shoulder throw? Thanks, Greg Davis, for ruining a decent QB and with him, any hopes the Hawkeyes had this season. And thanks most of all to Grandpa Ferentz for hiring the guy and then standing back and letting it happen. Shame on all of you.
Please don't stop with the Carlos O'Kelley references.

For a guy that has moved far away from the area, the references are 1/4 nostalgia, 1/4 facepalm, and 1/4 chuckles.

Keep it up fellas.
Yeah the back shoulder throw needs to be put on the shelf, or they could just call it the back ankle throw and Vandenbergs throws would be right on the money.
I don't see where JVB's problems this season have anything at all to do with the system he's running.

Just look at the types of problems he has....completely missing wide open receivers, failing to go through progressions, poor footwork resulting in inaccurate throws, panicking at the slightest sign of pressure and dumping off to the outlet guy who has no chance to make a positive play.

The fact of the matter is, despite what appeared to be a lot of promise as a freshman, JVB just isn't a very good QB. I have no doubt that he works hard and is a good guy, but he really should have been benched a while ago in favor of giving one of the younger guys a chance to gain some experience for next year.

Kirk has a stubborn tendency to maintain continuity at all costs. In previous seasons he was able to use that to his advantage when his teams steadily improved throughout the season and wound up pretty good at by the end of the year, when things may have looked bleak early on. But during a season like this, it only makes him look stodgy and foolish.

True dat.

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