Ferentz needs to apologize to Vandenberg


Active Member
I have no dellusions that Vandenberg is an elite quarterback, but I tend to believe he is far better than his stats from 2012 would indicate. Despite your theory as to the decline of the current Hawkeye football program (Greg Davis / lack of talent etc ) Vandenberg has endured a tremendous amount of criticism. Whether it's justified or not, there is no question his legacy as a Hawkeye QB is forever tarnished. Years from now when we look back at the accolades of Vandenberg, how will he be rememberd? If you bump into him at Carolos O'Kelly's 5 years from now, will you buy him a margarita? Unfortunately amongst our critical fanbase, I don't think he will be regarded as the QB who engineered a great comeback against Pitt, or the QB who along with McNutt torched the Indiana secondary in 2011. His legacy will unfortunately be centered around the QB who led Iowa to a historically abysmal offensive production. Despite your theories as to the demise of the Iowa program, rational thought should tell you that Vandenburg is not single handedly responsible for where things are. He is without question the "lightning rod" for a team that has tremendous challenges in front of it moving forward.
When the season is over and the Hawkeyes wrap up one of the worst seasons in recent memory, Ferentz needs to call his senior QB into his office and say the following.... "I'm sorry. Your legacy is tarnished because of the poor decisions I made for the program."
I'm going to wish JVB a happy retirement next Friday after Neb. kicks our A$$ and at 2pm, I will celebrate his retirement with several refreshments.
Let's examine the huge production difference between last year and this year for the passing offense looking at only B1G conference games (same schedule in essence)

2012 137 (comps) of 237 (attempts) 57.6% comp%, 13 TD's to 5 Ints and 1711 yards (213 yards per game)
2011 133 (comps) of 233 (attempts) 57.8% comp%, 6 TD's to 4 Ints and 1349 yards (192 yards per game)

Honestly the stats in conference look very similar and you can see the difference of missing one very good receiver in McNutt. It's about 20 yards per game and some more TD's. Didn't McNutt have 3 or 4 TD's against a bad Indiana team last year alone? I think he had a pretty good day against Purdue as well who was horrible. How was JVB against PSU and Nebby last year on the road?

The completion % is nearly identical.

Not trying to lay all of the blame on him, but this idea that the offense is so dramatically different and there are no attempts to run routes beyond 5 yards might be misleading. It might be more of a QB unwilling to throw the ball downfield to receiver other than McNutt.

If McNutt were on this team would the stats not be better this year and surpass last year in some respects ??
I have no dellusions that Vandenberg is an elite quarterback, but I tend to believe he is far better than his stats from 2012 would indicate. Despite your theory as to the decline of the current Hawkeye football program (Greg Davis / lack of talent etc ) Vandenberg has endured a tremendous amount of criticism. Whether it's justified or not, there is no question his legacy as a Hawkeye QB is forever tarnished. Years from now when we look back at the accolades of Vandenberg, how will he be rememberd? If you bump into him at Carolos O'Kelly's 5 years from now, will you buy him a margarita? Unfortunately amongst our critical fanbase, I don't think he will be regarded as the QB who engineered a great comeback against Pitt, or the QB who along with McNutt torched the Indiana secondary in 2011. His legacy will unfortunately be centered around the QB who led Iowa to a historically abysmal offensive production. Despite your theories as to the demise of the Iowa program, rational thought should tell you that Vandenburg is not single handedly responsible for where things are. He is without question the "lightning rod" for a team that has tremendous challenges in front of it moving forward.
When the season is over and the Hawkeyes wrap up one of the worst seasons in recent memory, Ferentz needs to call his senior QB into his office and say the following.... "I'm sorry. Your legacy is tarnished because of the poor decisions I made for the program."

Most likely he'll be bartending at Carlos O'Kelly's after this year. Which means he'll give KF his best chance for a really good buzz!!!
Ferentz apology to Vandy should be, James I gave you every chance to prove yourself but you failed miserably and for that i am sorry
Let's examine the huge production difference between last year and this year for the passing offense looking at only B1G conference games (same schedule in essence)

2012 137 (comps) of 237 (attempts) 57.6% comp%, 13 TD's to 5 Ints and 1711 yards (213 yards per game)
2011 133 (comps) of 233 (attempts) 57.8% comp%, 6 TD's to 4 Ints and 1349 yards (192 yards per game)

Honestly the stats in conference look very similar and you can see the difference of missing one very good receiver in McNutt. It's about 20 yards per game and some more TD's. Didn't McNutt have 3 or 4 TD's against a bad Indiana team last year alone? I think he had a pretty good day against Purdue as well who was horrible. How was JVB against PSU and Nebby last year on the road?

The completion % is nearly identical.

Not trying to lay all of the blame on him, but this idea that the offense is so dramatically different and there are no attempts to run routes beyond 5 yards might be misleading. It might be more of a QB unwilling to throw the ball downfield to receiver other than McNutt.

If McNutt were on this team would the stats not be better this year and surpass last year in some respects ??

Reality check dude this OFFENSE is different.. Just because the stats in Big Ten play look similiar doesn't mean the offense is the exact same, boy some of you just don't think when typing do you.. How funny..
I don't see where JVB's problems this season have anything at all to do with the system he's running.

Just look at the types of problems he has....completely missing wide open receivers, failing to go through progressions, poor footwork resulting in inaccurate throws, panicking at the slightest sign of pressure and dumping off to the outlet guy who has no chance to make a positive play.

The fact of the matter is, despite what appeared to be a lot of promise as a freshman, JVB just isn't a very good QB. I have no doubt that he works hard and is a good guy, but he really should have been benched a while ago in favor of giving one of the younger guys a chance to gain some experience for next year.

Kirk has a stubborn tendency to maintain continuity at all costs. In previous seasons he was able to use that to his advantage when his teams steadily improved throughout the season and wound up pretty good at by the end of the year, when things may have looked bleak early on. But during a season like this, it only makes him look stodgy and foolish.
I have no dellusions that Vandenberg is an elite quarterback, but I tend to believe he is far better than his stats from 2012 would indicate. Despite your theory as to the decline of the current Hawkeye football program (Greg Davis / lack of talent etc ) Vandenberg has endured a tremendous amount of criticism. Whether it's justified or not, there is no question his legacy as a Hawkeye QB is forever tarnished. Years from now when we look back at the accolades of Vandenberg, how will he be rememberd? If you bump into him at Carolos O'Kelly's 5 years from now, will you buy him a margarita? Unfortunately amongst our critical fanbase, I don't think he will be regarded as the QB who engineered a great comeback against Pitt, or the QB who along with McNutt torched the Indiana secondary in 2011. His legacy will unfortunately be centered around the QB who led Iowa to a historically abysmal offensive production. Despite your theories as to the demise of the Iowa program, rational thought should tell you that Vandenburg is not single handedly responsible for where things are. He is without question the "lightning rod" for a team that has tremendous challenges in front of it moving forward.
When the season is over and the Hawkeyes wrap up one of the worst seasons in recent memory, Ferentz needs to call his senior QB into his office and say the following.... "I'm sorry. Your legacy is tarnished because of the poor decisions I made for the program."
Carlos O'Kellys is the worst Mexican/Irish/American food ever.. just thought id put in my 2 cents
I have no dellusions that Vandenberg is an elite quarterback, but I tend to believe he is far better than his stats from 2012 would indicate. Despite your theory as to the decline of the current Hawkeye football program (Greg Davis / lack of talent etc ) Vandenberg has endured a tremendous amount of criticism. Whether it's justified or not, there is no question his legacy as a Hawkeye QB is forever tarnished. Years from now when we look back at the accolades of Vandenberg, how will he be rememberd? If you bump into him at Carolos O'Kelly's 5 years from now, will you buy him a margarita? Unfortunately amongst our critical fanbase, I don't think he will be regarded as the QB who engineered a great comeback against Pitt, or the QB who along with McNutt torched the Indiana secondary in 2011. His legacy will unfortunately be centered around the QB who led Iowa to a historically abysmal offensive production. Despite your theories as to the demise of the Iowa program, rational thought should tell you that Vandenburg is not single handedly responsible for where things are. He is without question the "lightning rod" for a team that has tremendous challenges in front of it moving forward.
When the season is over and the Hawkeyes wrap up one of the worst seasons in recent memory, Ferentz needs to call his senior QB into his office and say the following.... "I'm sorry. Your legacy is tarnished because of the poor decisions I made for the program."

By chance, are you from Keokuk?
WHAT???? Apologize to JVB??? Any other coach would of benched him 6 games ago. He is deeply indebted to Capt. for letting him see all the snaps he saw. He'll get about 50 more this year... then onto whatever plans to do post athletics.
yea you are so wrong it is driving me insane reading it so good post I guess. James should be the one saying he is sorry. You guys kill me when you fell sorry for these guys that have lived a high larger than any of us will ever see. You probaly are one of the ones who thought they should have benched Stanzi and put this local Iowa boy in. If I hear anyone talk about the crappy pitt game or horrible indiana team again I a am going to crap myself. Worst Iowa QB ever and lets let him loose one more. WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yea you are so wrong it is driving me insane reading it so good post I guess. James should be the one saying he is sorry. You guys kill me when you fell sorry for these guys that have lived a high larger than any of us will ever see. You probaly are one of the ones who thought they should have benched Stanzi and put this local Iowa boy in. If I hear anyone talk about the crappy pitt game or horrible indiana team again I a am going to crap myself. Worst Iowa QB ever and lets let him loose one more. WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You mad, bro?

Honestly, I see where the OP is coming from, and I agree to an extent. The criticism really picked up after the PSU game. Criticism that could have been avoided (some of it, anyway) if Ferentz would have just played Rudock in the second half. But the heat got turned up after sticking with Vandy for the whole game.
I don't see where JVB's problems this season have anything at all to do with the system he's running.

Just look at the types of problems he has....completely missing wide open receivers, failing to go through progressions, poor footwork resulting in inaccurate throws, panicking at the slightest sign of pressure and dumping off to the outlet guy who has no chance to make a positive play.

The fact of the matter is, despite what appeared to be a lot of promise as a freshman, JVB just isn't a very good QB. I have no doubt that he works hard and is a good guy, but he really should have been benched a while ago in favor of giving one of the younger guys a chance to gain some experience for next year.

Kirk has a stubborn tendency to maintain continuity at all costs. In previous seasons he was able to use that to his advantage when his teams steadily improved throughout the season and wound up pretty good at by the end of the year, when things may have looked bleak early on. But during a season like this, it only makes him look stodgy and foolish.

At least SOMEBODY is paying attention.

Never have truer words been spoken.
It's not Vandy's fault that Kurt has played him without any regards to performance. However, remembering a 2 year starter for 2 regular season games is outright ridiculous, especially considering he was at the helm for the entirety of a 4 win season. Stanzi had, what, 3 bowl wins? One of which was a BCS win. I'll buy that guy a drink.

Kurt isn't forcing JVB to hear imaginary footsteps, throw behind receivers, check the ball down, lock onto receivers, or any of the other freshman mistakes he has made as a 5th year senior.

He should apologize to the defense, TE's, RB's and WR's for hiring a OC that doesn't grasp the importance of a first down.
I can't believe I read that whole original post. I was just dumbfounded by the embarassing reasoning behind the arguments for JVB. You think apology's are in order!? Really! If anyone should apologize, it should be Kirk apologizing to all the fans for a crap season and his bad decisions.

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