Ferentz hits it out of the park


Well-Known Member
Listened to the first 30 minutes of the presser today, and Ferentz hit a home run with his comments and answers to questions. He even admitted he may have made a mistake by not being present earlier in the week with his players in the hospital, but also made it crystal clear that he was in frequent communication with all parties/family/parents involved. Complete class by Kirk today, and I have come to expect nothing less. Hope some of the media have their tails between their legs today!

Go Hawks!
I agree. He did a great job. Matt and miller still ragging on him today. Basically they say yea he says the right things, should have said it a week ago.
During this media created debacle....Kirk was tending to his players and parents...where his obligations are. I am not one who buys/believes in the media's belief that they are entitled to information.....and, can form opinions based on assumptions when they don't get information when they want it. (Jon included) Kirk owed nothing to the media during this circumstance....amazing all the second guessing....not many of those ignorant media concerns were with the players at that time. Thought Kirk did a hellova job once again during he presser, how could you not want your kid playing for this guy? Where are all the "chicken littles" now? Media has already moved on looking for a car wreck somewhere else. Go Hawks! Count me as one who wouldn't want anyone else running the show for the Hawks Football!
Thought Kirk did a great job yesterday. He has a quiet, self-assured, caring demeanor and way of speaking. As he acknowledged, his presence last week would have calmed the waters quite a bit.

Is it just me or has that story pretty much faded?

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