Ferentz Has My Back


New Member
Travis Justice made a good point this morning on his radio show on KXNO. Thinking back to the great coaches, the players will talk glowingly about their coach in good times and in bad. It happens(ed) with Fry, Paterno, Schembecher, Switzer, etc. How many times have you heard an Iowa player talk about Ferentz in this light.

That being said, I think when it comes to coaching on the field, there are few better in getting the most out of his players on the field than Ferentz. He has proven that time and time again with the success he has had in his tenure. Off the field? I think Ferentz has to much of a Pro attitude toward coaching. He expects the kids to take care of themselves like a pro does. Does he bond with his players so that they will run through a wall for him or does he approach it as a business.

Do his athletes make decisions based on what their coach will think or do they make decisions on what their coach will do?
Many collegiate coaches do things "their way" each one has a style. Some are rah, rah guys, some are CEO's, some are hands on guys, some are aloof figure heads, Kirk has his style. If his style gets his program in trouble then HE lives with the consequences...can't ask a guy to be something he is not.
The most jaw-dropping part of that segment was the fan that called in and compared Ferentz to Alford.

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