Ferentz Era Iowa FB Mt Rushmore: Vote for your Four

how about king. A Burlington boy who was undersized but tough as nails.
then Sanders, Angerer and Gallery
ISU fan here chiming in


Banks and Greene were great but only 1 year of production. Love Kaeding but hate kickers (I'm an ISU fan after all) so he can't be on the list.
Robert Gallery
Bob Sanders
Ladell Betts

Those 3 are no doubters for me. For the fourth, I go with Drew Tate in a close race over Kaeding, Stanzi, Greene, and Greenway.
Greene- Doak Walker winner
Kaeding- Lou Groza winner
Gallery- Outland trophy winner
Clark- John Mackey award winner

All 4 voted best at their position in college football.

Good logic. You can add Banks - O'Brien Award

I however, eliminated Greene and Banks solely on their "one-hit-wonder" type of careers since both only started 1 year.

I voted Sanders, Gallery, Clark and Stanzi (tough call over Greenway/Hodge) only because he is Americanzi.

All had longevity in their position and played it to AA status other than Stanzi but isn't Stanzi the winningest QB in Iowa history? (which seems to be the measuring-stick for QBs) Plus he is the first QB drafted to NFL in eons. He reached iconic status which is exactly what someone on Mt Rushmore should have.
Kaeding, Stanzi, Sanders, Clark. I don't know why people are saying greene. I get that he was a great player, but he really only had one year. When I think of hawkeye football players that were great, I think of the guys who were on the same level as greene athletically. The only difference I see is that they were multi-year starters and therefore contributed more.
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I generally don't like to make declarative statements about intelligence especially on polls or opinionated topics that ask for people to answer questions based on differing criterias. Having said that; If Bob Sanders, and Nate Kaeding aren't in your top four, I can only come to one of the following conclusions:

1. You're devoid of mental acuity

2.You didn't watch much football in the ferentz era or

number C. You have a strange notion of things

Nate Kaeding was the best kicker in the Big Ten for three seasons. He was the best player at his position in the country for two. Best player at his position in the country for TWO YEARS! TWO YEARS! Did I mention TWO YEARS?

Bob Sanders was the heart and soul of our football team for three years. He single handedly changed games as both a run stuffer but also as a guy who would often take the best receiver for certain teams, and destroy them all day on the line of scrimmage. One of my favorite memories of Iowa football is watching the game against MSU in which Sanders used and abused Charles Rogers (pretty sure it was Rogers my brain is fuzzy) for an entire game basically. Jammed him at the line of scrimmage even though he was a safety, most of the game, and just completely dominated him, pummeling him into the ground repeatedly on jams.

The other two spots I think are legitimately up for debate. I can't imagine those two not on someones list. I also voted for Clark and Mitch King. My criteria on King was the amount of snaps he played for us, being undersized, and basically being the perfect picture of what an Iowa Hawkeye football player has been in the Ferentz era (high motor, over-achieving, out of position according to most, high effort, high character guy).
Kaeding, Stanzi, Sanders, Clark. I don't know why people are saying greene. I get that he was a great player, but he really only had one year. When I think of hawkeye football players that were great, I think of the guys who were on the same level as greene athletically. The only difference I see is that they were multi-year starters and therefore contributed more.

Yeah, Yeah, i agree with this guy! Banks and Greene equal one hit wonders. Now given, awesome one hit wonders that have done a lot for the program, love em, all that. We're talking Mount Rushmore people. Pinnacle, greats of the greats. Should require more than a year me's thinks.
Still can't believe how much talent was on the 2002 squad.

I went with Sanders, Kaeding, Gallery, and Roth.

Sanders and Roth would have been the ultimate Hawkeye cage match!
Wow. Hard to narrow it to four.

1. Sanders - maybe the greatest Hawkeye off all time.
2. Matt Roth - awesome player
3. Stanzi - for cryin' out loud, THREE bowl victories
4. Greene - greatest single season in Hawkeye history
You can't be taken seriously putting a kicker on any list unless it is a list of kickers. If you put the kicker on, you probably have to put the holder and snapper on there too.

Bob Sanders is the obvious one, and then I think it gets tough. I put on Matt Roth, Abdul Hodge and Dallas Clark. I think Hodge provided more identity for those teams in terms of toughness than Greenway did with his athleticism. Go back and watch the Cap One and Outback bowls and Hodge is just a straight-up wood layer. Fun discussion though...

Probably the most overlooked Hawkeye of the KF era. Maybe the best middle linebacker of that decade in the Big10 and thats an amazing statement considering the other candidates.

I remember at OSU 05 where Hodge was about the only guy who looked like he belonged on the field with OSU and was single handedly keeping Iowa in the game the first half, forcing fumbles and making plays all over the field.

Outback 03 was another great one.

Hodge would have had a good pro career if not for the injuries.
You can't be taken seriously putting a kicker on any list unless it is a list of kickers. If you put the kicker on, you probably have to put the holder and snapper on there too.

Bob Sanders is the obvious one, and then I think it gets tough. I put on Matt Roth, Abdul Hodge and Dallas Clark. I think Hodge provided more identity for those teams in terms of toughness than Greenway did with his athleticism. Go back and watch the Cap One and Outback bowls and Hodge is just a straight-up wood layer. Fun discussion though...

There are only 3 positions up for debate.

Sanders impact on the program was something that you will never see again out of one individual player.

Give it a better effort than that - I don't dispute that Kaeding was a weapon for the team and the best kicker of the KF era, but come on the guy's still a kicker. For his career he was 67-83 on FG's, over the last 3 years of his career 53-61. By comparison Schlicher was 51-67 - so over 3 years given his additional length, and improved accuracy, Kaeding was probably worth 25-30 points over a comparable replacement. That is less than a point a game over 3 years. Further, Kaeding was involved in approximately 250 plays (PAT's and FG's) over four years. A team will generally have 65-85 offensive plays a game, 12 games a year, 4 years, basically 3,000 - 4,000 offensive plays. He was involved in 6%-8% of just offensive plays. When you consider that over 60% of those plays were PAT's which are pretty much automatic at the college level over a career, you are talking about 2.5% to 3.5% of offensive plays.

You know why kicker's aren't eligible, because their job doesn't require them to compete against anyone else on the field. You don't have to out-work or out-maneuver anyone at kicker. PAT's - kick the ball, Field Goals - kick the ball, kick-offs - kick the ball. If a PAT or Field Goal gets blocked it's not your fault as the kicker, that is the blocker's responsibility. You only have one job as a kicker - kick the ball, do your job. Any other position on the field you can do your job and still be unsuccessful if the guys you are competing with do their job better.

My position is not that Kaeding wasn't valuable, but rather that his position can't be considered greatness of football. Give him all the credit in the world for being the best at what he did/does, and for helping the hawkeyes in valuable ways, but don't try to explain how his one of the best football players over 12 years.
I want to know who the 293 or so people are that didn't vote for Bob Sanders in this poll. All of them should be banned from ever posting on this board again as they obviously have no clue regarding Hawkeye Football. :)

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