Ferentz Could Be the Big Ten Coach of the Year

Most of the so-called "experts" picked Iowa to finish last in their division, with a consensus overall record of 4-8.

Jon Miller picked the Hawks to go 5-7.

And yet, eight games into the season, we are 5-3.

If Iowa goes 7-5, I say Ferentz gets coach of the year.

Is he a great game coach? I don't know.

But he does many things exceptionally well:

1. His kids play hard. They have high character and they graduate.
2. We make very few turnovers and play penalty-free football.
3. Our teams are strong and play tough.
4. The players seem to enjoy playing at Iowa.

I think he is a great coach and the perfect fit at Iowa. I also think Iowa will be much better next year (even with the loss of our LBs) and the year after.

Ferentz has one great run left in him. Watch it happen.

In the highly unlikely event this was to happen, I believe Ferentz would turn it down. He knows he, his staff and players need to get back to work focusing on the upcoming season and selecting captains for the 2014 opener. That's football.
If Minnesota goes 8-4. I'd expect Kill would get it. A lot of sympathy vote there too. Right now, I'd say Dantonio get's it. They look like the best team in the division and are playing a little better than expected. Iowa would have to win out or maybe go 3-1 for KF to get it. We're probably going to get two more wins.

You mean the guy who hasn't coached the team during their little mid-season stretch?

If Minny has a COY candidate it's Claeys, not Kill.
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Most of the so-called "experts" picked Iowa to finish last in their division, with a consensus overall record of 4-8.

Jon Miller picked the Hawks to go 5-7.

And yet, eight games into the season, we are 5-3.

If Iowa goes 7-5, I say Ferentz gets coach of the year.

Is he a great game coach? I don't know.

But he does many things exceptionally well:

1. His kids play hard. They have high character and they graduate.
2. We make very few turnovers and play penalty-free football.
3. Our teams are strong and play tough.
4. The players seem to enjoy playing at Iowa.

I think he is a great coach and the perfect fit at Iowa. I also think Iowa will be much better next year (even with the loss of our LBs) and the year after.

Ferentz has one great run left in him. Watch it happen.

Unless Illinois continues to tank, you COULD throw Tim Beckman into the mix. And frankly, I'd give Jerry Kill/Minnesota staff--with some kind of asterisk "*"--some credence. D'Antonio, of mcourse, and Urban Meyer, even.

And what about Gary Andersen? They lose Montee Ball, switch to a 3-4 D, and get hosed at ASU, and you'd think it was just another ho-hum day from his reaction. But he has certainly earned mention in the discussion.
So long as people continue to ask moronic questions or make moronic statements, I'll continue to ask.

Notice this happens after every win? We squeaked by a hurt NW team, let's not get ahead of ourselves.

If we beat WI, PU, UM, and NE.....then definitely ask this question. We've shown improvement this year, as we're now a good ball club for 30 mins (as opposed to just a bad 60 min team last year).

We still could finish in the lower part of our division if we don't win a few more games.....so would that still qualify as COY worthy?
Notice this happens after every win? We squeaked by a hurt NW team, let's not get ahead of ourselves.

If we beat WI, PU, UM, and NE.....then definitely ask this question. We've shown improvement this year, as we're now a good ball club for 30 mins (as opposed to just a bad 60 min team last year).

We still could finish in the lower part of our division if we don't win a few more games.....so would that still qualify as COY worthy?

Absolutely agree. And even if we DID finish 9-3, I would have a problem giving it to KF, given the 1000+ people on this board ALONE that would lodge a formal protest, and Good God, the Miller-Deace podcast that would decry the selection.

And again, even at 5-3, I have a hard time NOT picking a two-years-in-a-row, undefeated Urban Meyer. And if we win out AND MSU wins out (up to, not including, B1G CG), D'Antonio is certainly a good choice.
Agree that its highly unlikely that Kirk wins. Dantonio, Meyer and Anderson are all much more likely.

Kirk will win it in 2014 when we go 10-2.
In my opinion, Urban Meyer has to lose a game before they can justify awarding it to any other coach in the conference.
Anderson was handed the reigning B1G championship team, complete with Borland, Abbrederis and Melvin Gordon III.
Wish I could have gotten in on this thread earlier so I could have landed a well-timed "grabs popcorn..." style post.
I have always thoughtvvery highly of coach Ferentz. He may not always have the best seasons but his kids always play hard for him and the university of Iowa. We could be like other programs and switch coaches every other yr. I think we are in good shape with coach Ferentz and I hope he is around for another 15 yrs. My buddies always aggravate me about being a Iowa fan but they always say that Ferentz runs a clean program and you never hear any bad publicity about Iowa and players getting in to trouble. What I'm tryin to say is that I think we are very lucky to have a stand up guy like coach Ferentz. GO HAWKS!
Get a couple wins and we go from burning him at the bush to parading him as coach of the year. Amazing turn-a-round with CKF. I would have to say I've never seen him coach better then he has the last two games.
Get a couple wins and we go from burning him at the bush to parading him as coach of the year. Amazing turn-a-round with CKF. I would have to say I've never seen him coach better then he has the last two games.

Chief, I think you meant "burning him at the stake..." Your wording suggests sort of a biblical thing, which as we all know would not be allowed at a public, non- secular institution.
I have always thoughtvvery highly of coach Ferentz. He may not always have the best seasons but his kids always play hard for him and the university of Iowa. We could be like other programs and switch coaches every other yr. I think we are in good shape with coach Ferentz and I hope he is around for another 15 yrs. My buddies always aggravate me about being a Iowa fan but they always say that Ferentz runs a clean program and you never hear any bad publicity about Iowa and players getting in to trouble. What I'm tryin to say is that I think we are very lucky to have a stand up guy like coach Ferentz. GO HAWKS!

Iowa has had its' share of "bad apples". That comes with the territory.
Other than that, Iow runs a good, clean program. Now if we could just score more points...

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