Ferentz comments on Wegher

No, being sincere.

I don't mind comment/criticism. Makes me better, I hope. I hope that didn't come off as a rebuke. Seriously.

I know I'm not always going to be Mr. Popular Happy Sunshine. And, believe me, I will ask a ton of stupid questions. Just ask the folks on the beat.


First off I wasn't aware that you were the one that asked the question, second it wasn't meant as a slam to you or anybody else that asks the question each week, I know it can be tough to sometime come up with new things to write about. I just think at this point in the season it would be highly unlikely that he would #1 be in any kind of football shape and #2 if he was coming back think it would have happened well before week 5/6.

Not to kiss any rear and I stand by what I posted, but am a huge fan of your work, especially all the crap you give Hlas in the Thursday chats.

I also want to point out I was going to post what I did in the comments to the story but forgot my username and password to do so.
I'm pretty sure it's a year-to-year thing, which in all fairness, it should be.
Grant it I didn't play D-I football but I did run D-II track which follows the same NCAA rules as D-I and each semester my coach re-evaluated our scholarship so I am not so sure Wegher has to stay on scholarship all year long.
We're good! I remember your moniker.

Seriously, I can always use constructive criticism. You're logic is air-tight. As Rob Howe pointed out to me on Twitter, the redshirts of Coker and Hitchens have been burned. Rogers' focus has been shifted. It's clear Iowa has moved on, for at least this season. I, unfortunately, ignored that logic.

I'm not above asking "panic" questions. I ask a million questions a season, so there are probably 734,569 stupid ones. This one falls into the "panic" category.

I try to be transparent and answer all comments and questions. It's fair to wonder where some of these questions come from. I usually have a plan. It's not always a good plan (and I would say today falls into the "not good" plan category).
While we are talking Wegher, I heard he wanted to quit last season. Anyone else heard this? His pops bought him a house in IC for him to stick it out. He just does not enjoy football anymore according to the guy from Sioux City that I spoke to at the Ball State game. OK, I am done here. Pile on. You can find me doing a line of Coker all night long. Come join us! ;)
While we are talking Wegher, I heard he wanted to quit last season. Anyone else heard this? His pops bought him a house in IC for him to stick it out. He just does not enjoy football anymore according to the guy from Sioux City that I spoke to at the Ball State game. OK, I am done here. Pile on. You can find me doing a line of Coker all night long. Come join us! ;)

If true it probably became too serious for him. It's like me and bowling. There was a while where I concentrated a lot on it, practiced a lot and got lessons, and it drained the love of the game out of me. I had to quit leagues and tourneys for a couple of years. When I came back, I decided I was just going to go out and have fun and I started liking it again. If you make something you like too much of a passion you run the risk of getting burned out. Hopefully being away from FB for a while may make Wegher see if he likes it or not.

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