Ferentz comments on Wegher

My feeling all along is that he is gone and won't be back, at least at Iowa, although I'd love to see him wearing Black and Gold. He's a real player. Could show up somewhere else closer to home next year. Not going to worry about it.
Can they pull his scholarship at semester or do they need to wait until the end of the second semester before they decide to renew it or not?
I'm pretty sure it's a year-to-year thing, which in all fairness, it should be.

Yeah that's what I figured, I could easily see how plenty of coaches would abuse this if it was semester to semester. Just seems like there are walk-ons actually contributing to the team that could use it more than him.
If he quit/left the team, then the scholarship has already been pulled. There are certain circumstances where coaches can pull the scholarship, and that is definitely one of them.
In all fairness to the OP and the OOP the gazette in this case is there honestly anyone remotely interested in Iowa football that didn't already know this?
Yeah that's what I figured, I could easily see how plenty of coaches would abuse this if it was semester to semester. Just seems like there are walk-ons actually contributing to the team that could use it more than him.

I agree. If he's not back contributing in the spring then the staff needs to award his scholarship to someone who is contributing.

If he cames back in the summer then he needs to earn it back. Play for a semester and then renew his scholarship in January, if that's allowable by the rules. Otherwise, renew it the following school year.
I'm pretty sure it's a year-to-year thing, which in all fairness, it should be.

I'm not sure it's year to year. It could be semester to semester. Back when I received scholarships (non-athletic, and way back in the day before computers) scholarship notifications assumed you were attending for the full year but were given each semester corresponding to when you registered for that term. There were conditions to meet, including keeping grades up, staying in school and participating in the activity for which you received the scholarship.

I've wondered where BW stands in all of that, but candidly it's probably none of my business. A question might be whether he's taking a scholarship that could have been given to a walk-on, although it sounds like his personal situation blew up just before classes were to begin -- or at least were brought to the attention of the staff. So perhaps that issue is moot.
It is Kirk's call on scholarship.

It could have been revoked when BW left team in August but Kirk said he didnt do that. Wouldnt have been able to give to someone else this Fall because of timelines for listing 85 schollies. It could be revoked in Spring or Kirk could keep him on.

My guess is if BW shows he wants to return in Spring, he will keep it. Otherwise, it will be given to someone else.

Scholarships are renewed on annual basis but if player leaves team, they dont necessarily keep scholarship for year. Head coach decides that.
Here's the entire context:

Q: No movement on Wegher front?
A: If he comes back, we will let you know. We are coaching guys we have. As far as I know he is gone for at least this season, maybe forever. He will decide that and work through.
Here's the entire context:

Q: No movement on Wegher front?
A: If he comes back, we will let you know. We are coaching guys we have. As far as I know he is gone for at least this season, maybe forever. He will decide that and work through.

I really don't understand why people keep asking KF this question. What the hell do they expect from a guy that has only practiced twice since spring ball and hasn't been with the team since very early in fall camp?

Seriously it's pretty sad that some of the media that covers this team continues to bring up this issue when it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that Wegher isn't going to be back this year and the future is up in the air.

It just gets pretty old.
I didn't know KF was asked this last week. He was asked during the "walk off" portion. I had already left to go interview players.

I'm sure it was an inconvenience and a waste of time for you and coach Ferentz.

I apologize.
Hey, Marc Morehouse in the House! I love your player vids each week. That said, don't be so thin-skinned. You're a professional, man.
No, being sincere.

I don't mind comment/criticism. Makes me better, I hope. I hope that didn't come off as a rebuke. Seriously.

I know I'm not always going to be Mr. Popular Happy Sunshine. And, believe me, I will ask a ton of stupid questions. Just ask the folks on the beat.

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