Favre will not go away

What has Brett Favre said publicly? Nothing. It's the media just trying to create a story during the most boring part of the year (sports wise)
Have you missed the past 3 offseasons re: this issue? He never says anything until he's in camp.

He's always said at least something. He hasn't this time. Like I said, it's the media trying to make a story out of nothing which happens all the time this time of year.
I almost feel bad for the guy - for one reason only - he apparently has absolutely nothing else in his life except football.

This is probably close to the mark. At the end of seasons, he probably can't stomach the thought of going through it again...and then the offseason hits, and he finds after a few months he is going out of his mind without football, being around the guys, competition...and being domesticated.
Why the hate? Favre didn't comment on this yet... can you possibly be mad at him for this? What about other players who don't retire without your permission?

Should Pujols stop playing MLB this year or listen to other teams? Is it alright that Woodson plays this year or should he quit playing football and spend time with family? ETC....

Who are you to determine who should continue to play football, become an announcer, or sit at home? Quite rude
This is probably close to the mark. At the end of seasons, he probably can't stomach the thought of going through it again...and then the offseason hits, and he finds after a few months he is going out of his mind without football, being around the guys, competition...and being domesticated.

Haven't we all been there? I am the same age as Favre and have been in the military as long as he has been NFL. I too look around and see less familiar faces as the majority of those my age or older have moved on. I see a 20 year younger crowd around me and yes... I still enjoy it, but it isn't the same.
So I recently got orders and think to myself... Do I really want to do this again or should I retire? Then I talk to my future boss, my co-workers, my family, think about life's next challenge... and took the assignment because I realize it is what I enjoy doing. I got the rest of my life to do something else.
Like I said... I am sure we have all been there with whatever it is we choose to do in life.
Haven't we all been there? I am the same age as Favre and have been in the military as long as he has been NFL. I too look around and see less familiar faces as the majority of those my age or older have moved on. I see a 20 year younger crowd around me and yes... I still enjoy it, but it isn't the same.
So I recently got orders and think to myself... Do I really want to do this again or should I retire? Then I talk to my future boss, my co-workers, my family, think about life's next challenge... and took the assignment because I realize it is what I enjoy doing. I got the rest of my life to do something else.
Like I said... I am sure we have all been there with whatever it is we choose to do in life.

The big difference is that Favre often leaves his franchise in limbo. The guy retired from the Jets and demanded his release, which he got, and then got reinstated and immediately became a free agent so that he could sign with Minnesota (which is where it seemed he obviously wanted to go after he retired in Green Bay). And millions of dollars are on the line.

I don't know how serious this stuff is this time around, since he's not said anything. But his luster has really worn off in the past 5 years or so, it's really beginning to tarnish his legacy. THAT is what I hate to see.
He usually lets his agent do the talking. Farve won't say anything until the last minute.

This is the same crap being done each of the past five or so years. I hope he stays retired, last year really exposed him as being too old for the game, at least as a full time starter.

As a backup to clean up if Vick were to go out for a series or 1/2 a game, then he probably could be alright. But i really don't want to have this same crap every year for a backup QB.
I hear you... he has damaged his legacy over the years although he did have a surprisingly awesome season at Minnesota his first year. He now reminds me of that country song "I ain't as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I ever was".
Favre has not commented on this supposed Philly offer, but I think if Favre were willing to take on a back-up role/coach... it might be a good situation for him. He won't be taking all the snaps and getting beat down. It seems like a win-win. He also would seem to have a great understanding of raw talent and a free spirit... something that Vick understands. I actually like the idea and wouldn't be surprised to see it happen.
If he likes being around the game so bad why doesn't he try to get into coaching?

This situation is about as close to being a QB coach as he might get. Actually might be considered better as he might get some playing time! This would allow him to learn the coaching side of the house better. All in all this is a great offer.

I also think Philly is a team that must love to be hated! Vick and Favre? HA HA
If he wants to play, and if somebody will take him, I will cheer for him. Why not? Let him play until he's 82.

Favre is the canary in the mine for a lot of us. We'll have to work until we're 82, with the Social Security mess, etc., so we might as well enjoy what we do and keep doing it. There is no such thing as retirement for a lot of us.
How many times can his career end with another interception? My problem with him isn't the fact that he continually comes back, but it's all the attention whoring that goes along with it. He retired once and the world took notice, he came out of retirement and again everyone took notice either Then it happened again. Bottom line people are tired of the charade either continue to play the game or ride off in the sunset, but make up your mind and quit drawing all the attention to yourself.

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