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What about Rodney Filer? That guy probably could have been a tailback with his gifts...and if we didnt have Shaw and Banks back there! He was super-legit until he got injured.

Filer flat out dominated the ISU game his senior year. He looked like a man amongst boys.
I remember a game he had in 1994 that I watched from the student section. (I think it was Iowa Michigan State) We were down a touchdown in the 4th and we drove the whole field for the go ahead touchdown and he carried the ball on almost every play. He ran this little Belly play about 5 times in a row and just would not be stopped.

It was a great individual effort by him, and a terrific example of "Scratch Where it Itches".

I've been looking for that box score forever but can't seem to find it.

I was at that game. It was amazing because Iowa was down to it's 4th string QB and a receiver (Odems maybe?) had more passing yards (from a reverse pass) in the first half than the QB did. Who was that QB? Purdy?
1) Norm Granger
2) Lew Montgomery
3) David Hudson
4) Jeremy Allen
5) Champ Davis*

*Champ was the epitome of "H-back", lining up at TE, in the slot and in the backfield at various times in his career. He and David Hudson were two of the best examples of those with such promise being bitten by the persistent-but-not-career-ending injury bug.
Rodney Filers biggest problem was he couldn't stay out of Hayden's dog house. He made DJK look like a coaches dream.
I was at that game. It was amazing because Iowa was down to it's 4th string QB and a receiver (Odems maybe?) had more passing yards (from a reverse pass) in the first half than the QB did. Who was that QB? Purdy?

Yeah it was bad, Driscol broke his collar bone, Sherman was out. I don't remember the name of the QB .
Norm Granger....saw him house a kickoff return against Indy @ Kinnick in 1981. Fantastic.

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